Widespread Panic
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden-Sydney, VA

01 tuning
02 Weight Of The World,
03 Space Wrangler,
04 Send Your Mind, Travelin’ Light,
05 Love Tractor,
06 Mr. Soul,
07 It Ain’t No Use,
08 Walkin’ (For Your Love),
09 Barstools and Dreamers,
10 The Take Out,
11 Porch Song,
12 Flat Foot Flewzy

[T. Lavitz on organ; The Other People and Awareness Art Ensemble opened]

Source uploaded by Sam Holt

per Sam:

I recorded this with 2 Shure SM57’s -> Casio DA-7 dat machine. I was the only taper there.

This was during the brief ‘no taping’ era. Mom’s Kitchen had come out on 7/30/91 and I guess Capricorn wanted to put the kibosh on taping, somehow they thought they would sell more records if they didn’t allow taping. I was shut down the night before at Trax in Charlottesville.

This was a free show outside at Hampden Sydney that ended right as it got dark. I was set up by the sand volleyball court about 25 yards from the stage. No one told me to stop taping. The stage was pretty small and I know they were having issues with it being able to support the weight of all the gear and band.

There is some hilarious stage banter, the band was having a really good time. There was like 500 people there and people were going crazy, running around, a few twirlers spinning in the open field, and frat boys partying hard.

Sam Holt’s source

Widespread Panic
Georgia Theatre
Athens, GA

One Set:

01. Intro
02. Stop-Go >
03. Holden Oversoul
04. Pigeons
05. Jack
06. I’m Not Alone >
07. Just Kissed My Baby
08. Travelin’ Light
09. Machine >
10. Barstools and Dreamers
11. Pickin’ Up The Pieces >
12. A of D >
13. Space Wrangler >
14. Jam >
15. Papa Legba >
16. Rock

// Love Tractor


// It Ain’t No Use >
// Walkin’ (For Your Love)

[Bloodkin opened; DAT missing Love Tractor, It Ain’t No Use, or Walkin’ (For Your Love)]

Source: Shure SM-57 > Casio DA7
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 (Dither) > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Taped and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Widespread Panic
Georgia Theater
Athens, GA


01 Stop-Go>*
02 Holden Oversoul*
03 Pigeons*
04 Jack
05 I’m Not Alone>
06 Just Kissed My Baby/
07 Travelin’ Light
08 Machine>
09 Barstools and Dreamers
10 Pickin’ Up The Pieces>
11 A Of D>
12 Space Wrangler (cut)

missing Papa Legba, Rock, Love Tractor, It Aint No Use, Walkin

*Tape has some wobble for the first few tracks but smooths out better during pigeons @ 1:30
/Tape flip @ 7:24

**16 BIT**

source: Unknown audience recording

Lineage: MAC
> Nak CR-7A (azimuth adjusted)
> Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz)
> Tascam Hi Res Editor (DSF concatenate & 2496 PCM)

Transferred by Matt Vernon. Tape supplied by Sam Darrow

Widespread Panic
Georgia Theater

Set 1: (incomplete)

/Aint No Use
Makes Sense To Me

Set 2:

Barstools and Dreamers
Travelin’ Light
Take Out
Porch Song


Low Spark
Love Tractor


Missing first three songs Holden Oversoul, Send Your Mind, Proving Ground. Fades in on It Ain’t No use
– Tape flip crossfaded during Pusherman
– No NR on master cassette
– No further processing done
– This is a 16/48 fileset

Source: SDB> Sony D6> TDM MA110 cassette master played back on Yamaha KX800u > Panasonic 3700 DAT at 16/48

Transfer: Sony R500 DAT> Coax Out> Tascam DR100mkIII> 16/48 WAV> AACC for fades> CDWave for tracks> TLH for Flac8> MP3tag for tags

Widespread Panic
Winston-Salem, NC

~Set 1~

01. Fishwater
02. Holden Oversoul
03. Pigeons
04. Pickin’ Up The Pieces
05. The Last Straw
06. Makes Sense To Me
07. A of D
08. C. Brown
09. The Take Out >
10. Porch Song
11. Papa Legba

~Set 2~

12. Travelin’ Light
13. Machine >
14. Barstools and Dreamers
15. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
16. Space Wrangler
17. Mercy >
18. Jam >
19. Me And The Devil Blues
20. Chilly Water
21. Gimme
22. Proving Ground


23. Love Tractor
24. I’m Not Alone

source: unknown
Transferred by Steve Porcari, Seeded by Jason Grant

**known flaws”
-beginning of Mercy is missing(suspected tape flip). no lyrics affected.
-very beginning of fishwater is missing. houser’s intro is still there & no lyrics affected

-levels adjusted and some hiss removed via samplitude
-SBE’s corrected in Shntool v2.0.0 by woodpatri(05/06/2004)

Logo by st8mnt.com

Widespread Panic
328 Performance Hall
Nashville, TN.

Set 1:

Weight Of The World
Just Kissed My Baby
Space Wrangler >
Proving Ground
C. Brown
Driving Song >
A of D >
Driving Song
Send Your Mind

Set Two:

01. Love Tractor
02. Mercy
03. Chilly Water
04. Machine
05. Barstools
06. I’m Not Alone/
07. Rock
08. Pickin’ Up The Pieces
09. Makes Sense To Me
10. Papa Legba
11. The Take Out
12. Porch Song

Walkin’ (For Your Love) >
13. Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys

-FOB- crowd noise/talking
-Set 1 f*ckr stole it ;(

Taped, Transferred, & Seeded By: Michael Wilker
Source: Rodek2’s~>marantz FOB/dfc/’6

Widespread Panic
Riviera Theater
Chicago, Illinois
October 12, 1991

01 //Walkin’ (For Your Love)
02 Travelin’ Light>
03 Machine>
04 Barstools and Dreamers
05 I’m Not Alone>
06 Makes Sense to Me
07 Space Wrangler


– T. Lavitz on Keys

– Missing: Weight of the World (Before Walkin’)
(After Space Wrangler) Mercy>
Chilly Water
Porch Song

Unknown audience analog cassette > Onkyo TA-R410 >
Roland ED UA-30 > Audacity > WAV

Tracked & Converted by:
BrettR at Dragon’s Lair Studios
using Audacity Software

Tape and transfer provided by Ted Rockwell

Widespread Panic
Red Creek
Rochester, N.Y.
August 17, 1991

01. Heaven
02. Geraldine & the Honey Bee>
03. Space Wrangler (Pause)
04. Pickin’ Up the Pieces (Pause)
05. Mercy>
06. Makes Sense to Me (Pause)
07. C. Brown (pause)
08. Take Out>
09. Porch Song


– Opening for The Sharp Dressed Penguins

– T. Lavitz on Keys

– Deck paused after:
Space Wrangler
Pickin’ Up the Pieces
Makes Sense to Me
C. Brown

– During Heaven JB says
‘There is a party, about 30 people are there’
apparently referring to the size of the crowd.

– Tape flip after C.Brown.

– Thomas Smith wrote this note on the tape cover:
“They (WSP) opened for the Sharp Dressed Penguins,
a lame college band, so they could get the hell out
of Rochester and on to Arrowhead Ranch.”

– According to Thomas Smith:
Widespread Panic was supposed to headline,
but chose to open instead, as the venue
was a small pizza joint. The band was also
scheduled to play the next night with
Blues Traveler.

– Mikey sat for the set

Unknown audience analog cassette > Onkyo TA-R410 >
Roland ED UA-30 > Audacity @ 16Bit/44.1Khz> WAV

Tracked & Converted by:
BrettR at Dragon’s Lair Studios
using Audacity Software

Tape provided by: Thomas G. Smith
Transferred by: Ted Rockwell


Widespread Panic
Bijou Theater
Knoxville, TN


Space Wrangler (w/PA problems),
Makes Sense to Me,
Take Out > Porch Song,
C Brown
Holden Oversoul* >
Low Spark of High Heeled Boys >
Walkin’ (For Your Love) >
Stop/Go >
Flat Foot Flewzy >
Travelin’ Light,
[Rock missing on board tape],
Love Tractor

I’m Not Alone,
Weight of the World


One set show, no taping allowed

Filler(see notes for why this filler is here):
AUDM>DAT Nak 100 – Space Wrangler, Holden (in full), Rock

source: SBD taped by Tip
transfer by JK
notes: panic comes back to the bijou again during their “no taping” period. i taped upstairs, front row balcony with nak 100/cp1. Tip was working at WUTK at the time as a DJ and was able to tape sbd to broadcast. There were PA / board issues during Space Wrangler – on the board tape the kick drum and floor toms distort a bit, and on the house PA there is some crackle. I included the filler of Space Wrangler from the audience source in case anything could be done to matrix and smooth it out. Holden is a matrix as the tape flip caught the board and the aud source is included for that reason. Rock is also missing on the board tape due to tape flip, and that’s included from the aud source also. the audience source is not great, but i included those songs for completeness. the board mix this night is nice and it’s stereo, jb’s guitar on the right and mike on the left, for the most part. this is not the perfect tape, but we’re lucky to have it at all.

it’s a good show, so check it out!

john m


Widespread Panic
Georgia Theatre
Athens, GA

01. Proving Ground
02. Pickin’ Up The Pieces
03. Porch Song
04. Space Wrangler
05. Love Tractor
06. Gimme
07. Just Kissed My Baby
08. Weight Of The World
09. Send Your Mind
10. Conrad
11. Makes Sense To Me
12. Driving Song >
13. Walkin’ (For Your Love) >
14. Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys

[Sun 60 opened]


Widespread Panic
El Rey Theater
Albuquerque, NM

01. She Caught The Katy
02. Travelin’ Light
03. tuning
04. Pigeons
05. Weight Of The World
06. Me And The Devil Blues
07. Porch Song

[Opened for Blues Traveler]


Widespread Panic
Super Jam 1
Mt. Vernon Polo Fields
Athens, GA

One Set:

01. Proving Groung
02. Rock
03. Fishwater
04. The Take Out ->
05. Porch Song
06. Driving Song ->
07. I’m Not Alone ->
08. Jam ->
09. Driving Song
10. Send Your Mind
11. Weight of the World
12. Machine Funk ->
13. Barstools
14. C. Brown
15. Pigeons
16. Just Kissed My Baby
17. Heaven
18. Space Wrangler
19. Chilly Well

Show Notes: This one was a doozy. Not the best of my recordings. You can hear us moving around all over the place, as we carried the mic stand closer and closer to the stage. Amps blew, rain came, people got rowdy, cops got mad, camping was halted, and the cops shut the show down. Good times… JB laughed a lot, Mikey crushed JKMB, and everyone got home safe. Cheers!

Source: AKG 522 > Panasonic SV-255 > DAT
Transferred and Mastered by Hardy Ross and Martin Medley.
Taped and Seeded by Hardy Ross.



Widespread Panic
October 19th, 1991
Agora Theatre
Cleveland, OH

01. C. Brown [06:12.19]
02. A of D [03:10.65]
03. Pigeons [08:49.38]
04. Travelin’ Light> [06:33.33]
05. Machine> [03:09.36]
06. Barstools and Dreamers [11:55.62]
07. Space Wrangler [09:10.09]
08. Papa Legba [09:00.49]
09. Send Your Mind [02:31.72]
10. Walkin’ (For Your Love) [04:47.07]
11. Proving Ground [08:02.52]
12. Pickin’ Up The Pieces [04:59.26]
13. Rock [07:10.23]
Total: [85:33.41]

– All tracks extracted at 100% with no errors in cdparanoia.
– Tape apparently stopped at 8:23 of d1t03; no music lost. Ditto 11:12 of
d1t06 for a tape flip.

Nakamichi 300’s (card/X-Y, 40′ from stage)>Sony TCD-5M (w/Dolby B) by Eddie Wahba
Cassette Copied & Converted by Kyle Holbrook
CD conversion by Dave Mallick


Widespread Panic
Rock Candy
Seattle, WA

1. A of D->
2. C. Brown
3. Dead Air/Banter
4. Pigeons
5. The Take Out->
6. Porch Song
7. Worry
8. Makes Sense To Me
9. Dead Air
10. Jack
11. Barstools and Dreamers
12. Pickin’ Up The Pieces
13. Rock

–Opened for Blues Traveler–

SOURCE: core sound binaural mics (probably on glasses)> D5> Cass/1 (Taped by EK) dubbed 10/95



Widespread Panic
Underwood Auditorium
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
January 10, 1991 (Thursday)

01. Thanks Col. Bruce/Tune Up
02. Weight of the World>
03. Travelin’ Light
04. Impossible>
05. Just Kissed My Baby
06. Pigeons
07. C. Brown
08. Me and the Devil Blues
09. Worry
10. /Chilly Water>
11. Rock
12. Space Wrangler
13. Holden Oversoul>
14. Proving Ground
15. Machine>
16. D/r/u/ms>
17. Ma/chine>
18. Barstools and Dreamers>
19. Thank You Falletin’ Me B Mice Elf Again Rap>
20. Barstools and Dreamers
21. Porch Song:

22. Encore Break
23. Fishwater


– Before Weight JB says ‘We all thank once again
Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit
for lighting the way. Best band in the universe.”
(This likely means ARU opened the show).

– Tape Flip after Worry, cuts off the beginning
of Chilly Water (~3 Seconds)

– 3 cuts (full signal loss) during Drums each lasting
1st. ~8 seconds
2nd. ~2 seconds
3rd. ~16 seconds

– 1/2 Second signal loss in Machine (Post Drums)

– Tape change after Porch Song

Shure SM57’s > Sony D5 > Unknown DAT transfer @ 16Bit/44.1Khz >
Sony PCM-R300 > Roland ED UA-30 > Audacity > WAV

Tracked & Converted by:
BrettR @ Dragon’s Lair Studios
using Audacity software

Taped by: Ricky Supan
Tape supplied by: Sam Holt
Transferred by: Ted Rockwell


Widespread Panic
Bijou Theater
Knoxville, TN

set 1
A of D, Walkin’, Fishwater, Conrad, Weight of the World, Rock, Sleepy Monkey, Makes Sense to Me, Flat Foot Flewzy

set 2
Ain’t No Use* > Jam* > ?*, Space Wrangler, Barstools, Geraldine, Lovelight**, Me & the Devil**, Love Tractor, E: Proving Ground

encore is tracked at the end of disc 1

* with Jimmy Herring & Apt. Q258,
** with Col. Bruce Hampton

during Ain’t No Use > Jam J.B. gives Jimmy his guitar due to problems Jimmy’s having with his and J.B. just sings! Meanwhile, the Apt. and Todd switch out on drums
no taping allowed

source: sonic studios dsm10>casio dat>D6 – fob, dfc

notes: this was a team effort – hardy, rick, and me – hardy’s mics mounted to eyeglass frames his DAT and my D6 patched. rick decided not to tape, but helped… turns out hardy’s set 1 tape is blank, so my master was the only source for set 1; hence the cassette master used for this transfer. the set 2 tape is hardy’s dat > my copy > cd. this is the wildest panic showi have ever seen. the ain’t no use > jam segment to open set 2. jimmy and the apt. play with them and the improv and segue are amazing. the jam does end with what i believe is a song but i’m not certain what it is – info on that would be much appreciated. the lovelight is also

a trip – hell, the whole second set is quite unique and memorable for me. this source is not incredible, but if you haven’t heard this show you really should hear it. no joke. some remastering on this one would probably make it very nice, and the sound does get better as the show goes on. thanks to denise, my lovely wife, for support (beer runs, etc.) during this show. this is another old school classic… coming next will be 2001-04-20 for 4-20 of course. be readyto inhale. questions or comments are wonderful.
john m

Widespread Panic
Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, New York

01 Travelin’ Light
02 Pigeons
03 Space Wrangler
04 Weight Of The World
05 Love Tractor
06 Rock
07 A of D
08 C. Brown
09 Fishwater >
10 Porch Song >
11 Chilly Water
12 Proving Ground

Opened For Blues Traveler

Source: Soundboard
Recorded By: ?
Seeded By: Z-Man

Widespread Panic
Fox Theater,
Atlanta, GA

A of D >
Fishwater >
Driving Song >
Heaven >
Jam >
Driving Song >
B of D,
Mercy >
Jam >
Proving Ground (fades out @ 1.59 minutes)

[Opened for Drivin’ n’ Cryin’]

Seeded by Chris Snow



Widespread Panic
Hal’s and Mal’s
Jackson, MS

01. Holden Oversoul >
02. Stop-Go >
03. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
04. blank
05. Pigeons >
06. Just Kissed My Baby
07. Send Your Mind
08. Love Tractor
09. A of D
10. C. Brown
11. Makes Sense To Me >
10. Driving Song > B of D > Driving Song
11. The Take Out
12. Porch Song
13. Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
14. Papa Legba
15. Fishwater


18. Proving Ground

[Beanland opened]

Source: SBD > ? > DAT (presumed SBD>DAT)
Uploaded by George Jr Hodges

Widespread Panic and Blues Traveler
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA

~Widespread Panic~
01. Holden Oversoul
02. Heaven
03. Send Your Mind
04. Makes Sense To Me
05. Weight Of The World
06. Travelin’ Light
07. Me And The Devil Blues
08. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
09. C. Brown
10. Pigeons
11. The Take Out >
12. Porch Song
01. Chilly Water >

~Blues Traveler~
02. Gotta Get Mean
03. Mulling It Over>
04. But Anyway
05. Ivory Tusk
06. Optimistic Thought
07. What’s For Breakfast
01. Sweet Pain
02. All In The Groove >
03. Sweet Talking Hippie

~Encore~ (Blues Traveler AND Widespread Panic)
04. Encore Intro
05. Gloria

[‘I’ve Been Working’ rap by JB during ‘Chilly Water’]

Soundboard -> TCD-D6 Cassette Master by David Landsberger
Master Cassette -> DAT by David Malick
CD Mastering by David Landsberger

This is a killer show, Widespread Panic -> Blues Traveler Segue on disc 2. The encore for the show, Gloria, was performed by both Traveler and Panic on stage together.

For those of you who don’t know what a band segue is, here is what happened. Widespread Panic got on stage first as the opening act. They played a full set. But instead of having a set break between Panic and Traveler, all of the members of Traveler joined Panic onstage during Chilly Water and both bands jammed together. Then Panic left stage while Blues Travler kept jamming and playing Gotta Get Mean. Basically, there was no cut in the music at all between sets.

What a fantastic show…

Widespread Panic
October 23, 1991
Lisner Auditorium,
George Washington University
Washington, DC

Disk I:

01. Gimme
02. Space Wrangler
03. Pigeons
04. Rock
05. Take Out >
06. Porch Song
07. Weight of the World
08. Mercy >
09. Proving Ground (cuts)
Opened for Blues Traveler
Source: Unknown AUD
Transfer by Jake C.