Orpheum Theatre

All posts tagged Orpheum Theatre

Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA

1: Wondering, Fishing, Ophelia, City of Dreams, Clinic Cynic, Nobody’s Loss, Pickin’ Up The Pieces, Trouble, C. Brown, Can’t Find My Way Home

2: Diner > Henry Parsons Died, Tortured Artist, Old Neighborhood, Bear’s Gone Fishin’ > Jam > Drums > Worry, Don’t Wanna Lose You, Love Tractor

E: Surprise Valley > No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature

[First ‘Fishing’; Set 1 acoustic]

screen-shot-2016-10-26-at-2-13-49-amPhoto by dylanspithotfire

Widespread Panic
The Orpheum Theatre
Minneapolis, MN

Set 1 (60 mins)

01 Intro 1
02 Let’s Get Down To Business
03 Hope In A Hopeless World
04 Heroes
05 Old Neighborhood
06 Makes Sense To Me
07 I’m Not Alone
08 Party At Your Mama’s House >
09 Stop Breakin’ Down Blues
10 Conrad

Set 2 (80 mins)

01 Intro 2
02 Steven’s Cat
03 Wondering
04 Time Zones >
05 Solid Rock
06 Machine >
07 Little Kin >
08 Travelin’ Light >
09 Barstools & Dreamers >
10 Mini-Drums >
11 Fishwater >
12 Red Hot Mama >
13 Fishwater
14 Crowd

Encore (16 mins)

15 Chilly Water >
16 Electric Funeral >
17 Chilly Water

Notes: [‘Electric Funeral’ first time played (Black Sabbath); 4th consecutive show featuring Black Sabbath in encore (Halloween theme?)]

Schoeps mk4>DinA>KC5>CMC6>analog>788T (HPF 0) 24/48
Row M, 2 seats off center aisle right. FOB/DFC – 7′ high
Recorded by Bennett Schwartz

minneapolis-electricPhoto by Coloartist during Electric Funeral

omaha2Photo by Andy Tennille

Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theater,
Omaha, NE

set 1:

01 Glory
02 Greta>
03 Walk On
04 Tickle the Truth
05 Worry
06 Shut Up And Drive
07 Tail Dragger
08 Flicker>
09 Makes Sense To Me

Set 2:

01 Weak Brain, Narrow Mind>
02 Weight Of The World
03 Solid Rock
04 I’m Not Alone
05 Party At Your Mama’s House>
06 Ribs and Whiskey
07 Red Beans
08 Surprise Valley>
09 Drums>
10 Surprise Valley>
11 Proving Ground>
12 Mr. Soul

13 Crowd
14 Me And The Devil Blues
15 Heaven

Source: CA-14 Omni (AB) > Grand Tier Balcony Center > 9100 > Tascam DR-70D > Audacity > Cdwave

recorded by Sam Darrow

Photos by Andy Tennille

Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theatre,
Memphis, TN


01. Introduction/Tuning
02. Pigeons
03. Who Do You Belong To?
04. Ophelia
05. Bear’s Gone Fishin’ >
06. Blue Indian >
07. Rock
08. Papa Legdba
09. Party At Your Momma’s House >
10. Porch Song


01. Introduction/Tuning
02. Good People
03. One Arm Steve
04, Pilgrims
05. Holden Oversoul
06. Give
07. Saint Ex >
08. Drums >
09. Hatfield
10. Why Don’t We Do It In The Road
11. Climb To Safety


01. Drinking Muddy Water
02. Expiration Day

Entire show with Duane Trucks on Drums

[Other One tease after Drums; Without Todd]

Source: Schoeps mk4 > kc5 > cmc6 > Lunatec v3 + Schoeps mk41 > kc5 > cmc6 > Lunatec v3 > Tascam dr-680(24/48)
Location: fob/dfc/orchrc/bb/seat 101
Taped & seeded by Jesse Mc

Photo by Andy Tennille

Photos by Andy Tennille

Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theatre
Memphis, Tenn.

Set One:

01 tuning
02 Disco
03 Lil’ Kin
04 Henry Parsons Died
05 Cotton Was King
06 Greta >
07 Let’s Get the Show on the Road >
08 North
09 May Your Glass Be Filled
10 Tall Boy

Running Time: 1:02

Set Two:

11 tuning
12 Tail Dragger
13 Barstools and Dreamers >
14 Gimme
15 Ride Me High >
16 Love Tractor
17 Angels On High
18 Old Neighborhood# >
19 Drums >
20 Slippin’ Into Darkness*
21 You Can’t Always Get What You Want**

22 encore break
23 Stop Breakin’ Down Blues***
24 Can’t Find My Way Home**

Running Time: 2:03
# “Give Up the Funk” jam after Old Neighborhood
* with Chris Robinson on harmonica and vocals, Neal Casal on guitar and Steve Lopez on percussion
** with Chris Robinson on vocals, Neal Casal on guitar and Adam McDougall on organ
*** with Chris Robinson on harmonica and vocals, Neal Casal on guitar and Adam McDougall on organ

(Entire show with Duane Trucks on drums)

Avantone CK-1 (cardioid) > Edirol UA-5 > Edirol R-09 (@24/48)
nearly dead center from balcony second row

Taped, transferred and seeded by: MSTaper
*** A Team Dirty South Recording ***

This show exceeded my expectations for a Sunday show at the 2,500 seat Orpheum Theater in Memphis where I saw B.B. King in 1981 and U2 as an opening act for the J. Geils Band.

After a nice just over an hour first set, the band brought the heat during the second set and invited members of the Chris Robinson Brotherhood to close out the show.

Thanks to Jessie (discopanic) for the clamp space in the center of the balcony.

Get well Todd Nance!



Tape > Share > Support!



Widespread Panic
The Orpheum Theater
Los Angeles, CA

Thank you Widespread Panic & Crew

Set 1: (70 mins)

01 Intro 1
02 Tall Boy >
03 Worry
04 Tickle the Truth,
05 Climb To Safety >
06 Hatfield
07 Time Waits*
08 Can’t Get High*
09 Genesis*
10 Cream Puff War
11 Action Man

Set 2: (90 mins)

01 Intro 2
02 Rock
03 Christmas Katie >
04 Chilly Water
05 Tail Dragger**
06 Time Waits For No One**
07 Impossible >
08 Travelin’ Light >
09 Drums >
10 Pilgrims
11 Protein Drink
12 Sewing Machine
13 crowd


14 Honkey Red^
15 May Your Glass Be Filled
16 Ain’t Life Grand

* w/ Nicky Sanders on fiddle (Steep Canyon Rangers)
** Neal Casal (Hard Working Americans)
^ First Time Played (Murray McLaughlin – lyrics)
– Edie Jackson as sign language interperter
– Show #500 for Widespread Panic’s Lighting Director, the talented Paul Hoffman

Schoeps MK22>NOS>KC5>CMC6>analog>788T (HPF 0) 24/48
FOB/1 seat off center aisle on left Row N Seat 3 , stand @ 8′
dsp: 788t > wavelab5 > cdwave > wavelab5 > flac(7)

Animated gif by David Huchteman

Recorded and photos by Bennett Schwartz





‘Honky Red’ Song Origin compiled by Burnthday

Following the debut of ‘Honky Red’ in L.A., Dave Schools stepped to the mic and he said – “that was a song my daddy showed us.” Well, here’s Uncle Tom’s version, featuring Eddie Ponder of the Flying Burrito Brothers on the cajon and vocals, Steve Smith on harp and vocals and on guitar and lead vocals, John Rhys. Music producer, engineer, singer-songwriter… and father to one David Allen Schools. 

So, what is Honky Red? Those stains on a sink are red rings of cheap “Honky Red” wine. This is a wino song, and about one who apparently left quite an impression on song-writer Murray McLauchlan. Note that the lyrics have changed over the years – JB is using Uncle Tom’s lyrics “when I need a drink I’m chained to a sink” in place of “stains on a sink” from the original version. Also, the wounded veteran’s persona evolves in accordance with history, having left his leg in ‘Nam, France, and now Iraq.

-Burnthday (Uncle Tom story thanks to captainHAT)

This is an old Murray McLauchlan song which Murray doesn’t perform anymore. Some would see it as politically incorrect but, like Murray’s “Louisa Can’t Feed another Child”, which some took to be a pro-choice anthem, it’s really just a portrait and draws no conclusions. I think it says more about the listener than the writer if someone thinks it ‘glorifies drinking’ or censures the unfortunate.

Murray tells the story of opening the “Tonight’s the Night” tour with Neil Young in the ’70’s and the other band on the bill was the Everly Brothers whose band included a piano player named Warren Zevon. Warren and Murray swapped songs and each found a favorite in the other’s repertoire. Murray ‘traded’ Honky Red to Warren for ‘Carmelita’ which he recorded on his self-titled album. When we had Warren on the CBC radio show we did in the early 90’s Murray had a chance to remind Warren that the deal had been to each record the other’s song and received a heart-felt apology. One can only imagine the version Warren might have come up with.

Calgary songwriter extraordinaire Tom Phillips and I were sitting around playing acoustic guitars one night when we both lived in the same three-story walk-up apartment building a few years ago and he asked me if I could remember the song. I did and sang it a number of times over the next months and people always commented on how much they liked it. So here it is, it’s fun to sing and the third verse has one of the greatest ‘when I die’ perspectives ever written.

With Murray’s permission I updated the war in which our protagonist had lost his leg by thirty years.

-Kit Jonson (See original article: http://bit.ly/1AiKRvD)

muppetsPhoto by ©Paul R. Giunta

Photo by Amanda McGee

Widespread Panic
The Orpheum Theater
Los Angeles, CA

Set 1: (73 mins)

01 Intro 1
02 Old Neighborhood >
03 Imitation Leather Shoes >
04 Love Tractor
05 Visiting Day
06 Better Off
07 Ribs and Whiskey
08 Party At Your Mama’s House >
09 C. Brown
10 Heroes >
11 You Should Be Glad

Set 2: (94 mins)

01 Intro 2
02 Sometimes
03 One Arm Steve
04 Diner*
05 Chunk of Coal*
06 Quarter Tank Of Gasoline*
07 Airplane
08 Aunt Avis >
09 Goin’ Out West >
10 Drums** >
11 Drums & Bass** >
12 Bust It Big >
13 Mr. Soul
14 crowd


01 I’m Not Alone
02 Use Me

* w/ Nicky Sanders on fiddle (Steep Canyon Rangers)
** w/ Wally Ingram on percussion

Schoeps mk22>NOS>KC5>CMC6>analog>788T (HPF 0) 24/48
FOB/2 seats ROC Row R Seat 4 , stand @ 7.5′
dsp: 788t > wavelab5 > cdwave > wavelab5 > flac(7)

Recorded by Bennett Schwartz

Top Photos by ©Paul R. Giunta (View complete set)

panic-001Photo by ©Paul R. Giunta

orpheum7hPhoto by Coloartist


Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theatre
Boston, MA

Set 1:

01 Makes Sense To Me
02 Rock
03 Devil in Disguise
04 Big Wooly Mammoth >
05 Weak Brain, Narrow Mind
06 Old Joe
07 Ain’t Life Grand >
08 Second Skin >
09 Rebirtha >
10 Blackout BluesSet

Set 2:

01 Chainsaw City >
02 Dyin’ Man
03 Old Neighborhood >
04 Blight
05 Arleen*
06 Vacation >
07 Disco >
08 Fishwater
09 Dream Song
10 crowd


11 Postcard
12 Tail Dragger

*w/ Ryan Monroe on Keys (Band of Horses)

AKG ck63(DINa,3rd Row Mezz,DFC) > NBob/PFA Actives Cables > Sonosax SX-M2 > Tascam DR680(24/48)
Taped, Transfered & Seeded by Ted Gakidis



Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theater,
Boston, MA

Set 1:
1: Aunt Avis >
2: Tall Boy >
3: Cream Puff War,
4: Proving Ground >
5: Me And The Devil Blues >
6: Proving Ground,
7: Papa Johnny Road,
8: Space Wrangler,
9: Dyin’ Man

Set 2:
1: Thought Sausage >
2: Travelin’ Light,
3: Christmas Katie,
4: Sleeping Man,
5: Rebirtha >
6: Drums >
7: Hatfield,
8: Doreatha >
9: Walk On >
10: Tie Your Shoes,
11: Conrad

7: Counting Train Cars,
8: Chilly Water

[Only ‘Counting Train Cars’, Only ‘Papa Johnny Road’]

Source: DPA 4022 > V3, 44.1, ORTF
Taped & converted by: Carl Beck

Widespread Panic
The Orpheum
Minneapolis, MN

Set 1:

01 intro
02 Radio Child >
03 Makes Sense To Me >
04 Wondering,
05 Angels On High,
06 Rebirtha >
07 City of Dreams,
08 Dyin’ Man, Walkin’ (For Your Love),
09 You Should Be Glad

Set 2:

01 intro
02 Holden Oversoul,
03 Give >
04 Bears Gone Fishin’ >
05 Red Hot Mama >
06 Blight >
07 Airplane >
08 Impossible >
09 Vampire Blues >
10 Mr Soul
11 crowd


12 Dirty Side Down,
13 You Can’t Always Get What You Want* >
14 Ain’t Life Grand

Notes: * First time played electric (FTP 2/12/12 Denver)

Source: Schoeps MK22>Kwon NOS>KC5>CMC6>analog>788T (HPF 0) 24/48
matrixed with
ccm41LG>NOla dina>analog>788T (HPF 0) 24/48

Recorded by Bennett Schwartz


Widespread Panic,
07-07-2010 (Wed)
Orpheum Theatre,
Minneapolis, MN

Set 1:
From The Cradle >
Travelin’ Light,
True To My Nature,
Greta > Weak Brain,
Narrow Mind,
Can’t Get High,
Saint Ex >
Impossible >
Vampire Blues

Set 2:
Who Do You Belong To?,
Jack >
Party At Your Mama’s House >
Ribs and Whiskey,
Blight >
Low Spark of High Heeled Boys >
Proving Ground >
Low Spark of High Heeled Boys >
Ain’t Life Grand

E: Disco >
Ophelia >
Porch Song

Recorded by Mike Mahoney
Sennheiser e 614’s > Marantz PMD660 (Oade Mod)


Widespread Panic
The Orpheum
Omaha, NE

Set 1:
01. [07:55] Little Lilly ->
02. [07:45] Pleas ->
03. [05:01] All Time Low
04. [05:20] Clinic Cynic
05. [05:41] Rock
06. [09:21] You Got Yours ->
07. [13:02] Stop Go
08. [05:43] Genesis
09. [04:31] Wonderin’
10. [05:59] Cotton Was King

Set 2:
01. [06:39] Crazy
02. [13:09] Rebirtha
03. [10:47] Hatfield
04. [08:29] Jaded Tourist
05. [04:38] Flicker
06. [04:52] Action Man
07. [08:42] Smokestack Lightning ->
08. [05:32] Climb To Safety ->
09. [12:12] Pigeons

10. [04:44] Down
11. [03:27] Up All Night
12. [05:29] Walk On

Source: Neumann ak40 -> lc3 -> km100 -> Oade-mod Edirol R4 Pro (stereo .wav @ 24/48)
Recorded, DSP’d and seeded by Dustin Hassenstab

Widespread Panic
November 8, 2009
Orpheum Theater
Los Angeles, CA

-Set One-

01 intro
02 Rock >
03 Party At Your Mama’s House >
04 Ribs & Whiskey
05 Can’t Get High
06 Diner
07 Three Candles
08 The Take Out
09 Space Wrangler >
10 Henry Parsons Died

-Set Two-

01 Jam >
02 Holden Oversoul >
03 Imitation Leather Shoes
04 Jack
05 This Part of Town >
06 Sleepy Monkey >
07 Driving Song >
08 Disco >
09 Drums >
01 It Ain’t No Use* >
02 Driving Song >
03 Jam > Fishwater


04 crowd
05 The Shape I’m In*
06 Can’t Find My Way Home*

* w/ Marc Ford on guitar

Taped and Edited by Mikey Jones



Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theatre
Boston, MA
November 17, 1999

Set 1:
1. One Arm Steve
2. Pigeons
3. Ain’t No Use >
4. Space Wrangler >
5. Aunt Avis >
6. You Got Yours
7. Party At Your Mama’s House
8. Walkin’

Set 2:
1. Holden Oversoul >
2. All Time Low
3. Low Rider >
4. Blue Indian
5. Greta >
6. Drums/Bass >
7. Jam >
8. Pickin’ Up The Pieces
1. North >
2. Chilly Water

3. City of Dreams

Source: AKG 481>V2>HHb
Taper: Unknown
Transferred and seeded by Ty Chambers, March 2004.

Widespread Panic
November 7, 2009
Orpheum Theater
Los Angeles, CA

-Set One-

01 intro
02 Heroes
03 Porch Song >
04 Ride Me High
05 I’m Not Alone
06 Crazy
07 Tickle the Truth
08 Radio Child
09 Machine >
10 Barstools and Dreamers

-Set Two-

01 intro
02 One Arm Steve >
03 Love Tractor
04 Pickin’ Up The Pieces
05 Little Kin
06 Mercy
07 Smokestack Lightning >
08 Drums >
09 You Should Be Glad
01 Pigeons
02 Climb To Safety >
03 Tall Boy


04 crowd
05 Up All Night
06 Sharon

Taped and Edited by Mikey Jones

Widespread Panic
November 6, 2009
Orpheum Theater
Los Angeles, CA

-Set One-

01 intro
02 From The Cradle
03 Worry
04 Better Off
05 Wondering
06 Angels on High
07 A of D
08 Sleeping Man
09 Hatfield
10 Big Wooly Mammoth
11 Travelin’ Light

-Set Two-

01 intro
02 Solid Rock
03 Stop-Go
04 Dark Day Program
05 Papa Johnny Road
06 Rebirtha >
07 Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys >
08 Tie Your Shoes >
09 Drums >
01 Flicker >
02 Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
03 Conrad


04 crowd
05 Goin’ Out West

Taped and Edited by Mikey Jones

Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA

Set 1

01: Pigeons
02: Bear’s Gone Fishin’
03: Sleepy Monkey
04: Tall Boy
05: Driving Song >
06: Casa Del Grillo >
07: Driving Song
08: Maggot Brain
09: Big Wooly Mammoth
10: Knocking ‘Round The Zoo

Set 2

01: All Time Low
02: Blight
03: Climb To Safety
04: Let’s Get The Show On The Road
05: Happy Child >
06: Ain’t Life Grand
07: Chilly Water >
08: Drums >
09: Drums & Bass >
10: Chilly Water
11: Blue Indian
12: Red Beans

01: encore break
02: This Part Of Town
03: Makes Sense To Me

[‘Symptom Of The Universe’ tease by Mike before ‘All Time Low’; ‘Symptom Of The Universe’ tease by Dave after ‘Drums’; ‘Third Stone From The Sun’ jam after ‘Drums’]

Source: AKG 483 (din, 17cm) > Oade M248 > AD500e 44.1
Taped from: 1st row of balcony DFC
Transfer : DAT > Audiphile 2496 > CD Wav
Taped & converted by: Carl Beck
*01/02/11 – SHN > WAV > Rename > FLAC (seekable)

Widespread Panic and Blues Traveler
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA

~Widespread Panic~
01. Holden Oversoul
02. Heaven
03. Send Your Mind
04. Makes Sense To Me
05. Weight Of The World
06. Travelin’ Light
07. Me And The Devil Blues
08. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
09. C. Brown
10. Pigeons
11. The Take Out >
12. Porch Song
01. Chilly Water >

~Blues Traveler~
02. Gotta Get Mean
03. Mulling It Over>
04. But Anyway
05. Ivory Tusk
06. Optimistic Thought
07. What’s For Breakfast
01. Sweet Pain
02. All In The Groove >
03. Sweet Talking Hippie

~Encore~ (Blues Traveler AND Widespread Panic)
04. Encore Intro
05. Gloria

[‘I’ve Been Working’ rap by JB during ‘Chilly Water’]

Soundboard -> TCD-D6 Cassette Master by David Landsberger
Master Cassette -> DAT by David Malick
CD Mastering by David Landsberger

This is a killer show, Widespread Panic -> Blues Traveler Segue on disc 2. The encore for the show, Gloria, was performed by both Traveler and Panic on stage together.

For those of you who don’t know what a band segue is, here is what happened. Widespread Panic got on stage first as the opening act. They played a full set. But instead of having a set break between Panic and Traveler, all of the members of Traveler joined Panic onstage during Chilly Water and both bands jammed together. Then Panic left stage while Blues Travler kept jamming and playing Gotta Get Mean. Basically, there was no cut in the music at all between sets.

What a fantastic show…

Widespread Panic
The Orpheum Theatre
Minneapolis, MN

01 intro 1
02 Heroes >
03 Wondering
04 Better Off
05 This Part Of Town >
06 Dyin’ Man >
07 Hatfield >
08 Don’t Wanna Lose You >
09 North >
10 Jam >
11 Jack >
12 Henry Parsons Died

Set 2 (108 mins)

01 intro 2
02 Give >
03 Diner >
04 Second Skin >
05 Walk On Guilded Splinters >
06 Proving Ground >
07 Drums
08 Drums Bass>
09 You Should Be Glad
10 Holden Oversoul >
11 Blue Indian >
12 Protein Drink >
13 Sewing Machine
14 Crowd

Encore (13 mins)

15 Solid Rock >
16 Rock
17 PA Prince

Source:Schoeps MK22>kwon-NOS>KC5>CMC6>V3>SPIDF>744T (HPF 0) 24/48
Recorded by Bennett Schwartz

Widespread Panic
Orpheum Theatre
Omaha, NE.

Set 1

1. Intro -> :37.73
2. Glory -> 4:37.60
3. Ribs and Whiskey 7:11.41
4. Bear’s Gone Fishin’ -> 9:00.44
5. Proving Ground -> 4:41.36
6. Imitation Leather Shoes -> 4:14.36
7. Proving Ground 1:37.21
8. Casa Del Grillo -> 6:50.39
9. St. Louis -> 6:39.43
10. Shut Up And Drive 8:00.19
11. Blue Indian -> 5:21.16
12. Holden Oversoul 5:49.59

Set 2

1. One Armed Steve -> 3:48.50
2. Pleas -> Jam -> 11:49.46
3. Christmas Katie 8:51.24
1. Lil’ Kin -> 5:38.54
2. Gimme -> 9:08.52
3. Worry -> 7:02.01
4. Drums & Bass -> 11:47.19
5. Impossible Song -> 4:49.48
6. Ride Me High -> 10:08.14
7. Pilgrims -> 7:34.30
8. Cream Puff War 6:09.59


9. Help Me Somebody 5:06.30
10. Space Wrangler 8:56.20
11. “Burning Down The House” played from house P.A. 2:53.21

Church Audio CA-11’s -> M-Audio Micro Track II
Kingston Elite Pro 133x 4GB CF 24/48.wav