
3.30.98AmsterdamPardisoPhoto by Jason Wood

Widespread Panic
March 30, 1998
The Paradiso
Amsterdam, NL

Disc One

01 Intro
02 Last Dance
03 Space Wrangler
04 Ain’t Life Grand
05 Holden Oversoul >
06 Raise the Roof
07 Radio Child >
08 Barstools & Dreamers >
09 Blackout Blues
01 Greta >
02 Sweetleaf >
03 Drums >
04 Rebirtha >
05 Fishwater
06 Crowd

07 And It Stoned Me >
08 Porch Song
09 Outro (What a Wonderful World)

[‘Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin’ rap during ‘Barstools and Dreamers’; Last ‘Sweet Leaf’ – 10/30/95, 245 shows]

Source: Microtech Gefell m210 > Oade m248 > SBM-1 > D-100 @ 48kHz
Taped by: Mike Schoder
Transfer by: BobbyHurley (DAT clone courtesy of Mike Phelps)


Widespread Panic
Chesterfield Café,
Paris, FR

0: Conrad, Pilgrims, Tall Boy > Sleeping Man, Weight Of The World > Dear Mr. Fantasy, Jack, Big Wooly Mammoth > Drums > Four Cornered Room > Chilly Water > Pigeons > Chilly Water

E: City of Dreams

[‘Four Cornered Room’ rap by JB during ‘Pigeons’]


Widespread Panic – ‘Le Panique’ #8
Chesterfield Cafe
Paris, France

One Set
01. Contentment Blues
02. Worry
03. Happy
04. I’m Not Alone
05. Who Do You Belong To?
06. Dyin’ Man
07. Bow-Legged Woman
01. Diner
02. Space Wrangler
03. Drums
04. Rock
05. Aunt Avis
06. C. Brown
07. Porch Song

08. Blackout Blues

Taped By: Michael Wilker
Source: EV-RE20’s~>SBM1~>D8 fob


Widespread Panic
Chesterfield Café
Paris, FR

Radio Child >
Holden Oversoul,
Sleepy Monkey,
Ain’t Life Grand,
Driving Song >
Arleen >
Driving Song >
Papa’s Home >
Drums >
Pilgrims >
One Kind Favor >
Chilly Water

E: Fishwater

[‘Third Stone From The Sun’ jam before ‘Driving Song’]

SBD > FM > DAT > Tascam CDRW 700 > EAC > SHN
Thanks to Mr Phil and Bohannon
Converted by Bohannon and converted to shn by Jonathan Fox


Widespread Panic
‘Le Panique’ #6 Chesterfield Cafe
Paris, France

One Set:
01. Jam
02. She Caught The Katy Show:
03. Heroes
04. Junior
05. Blight
06. Ride Me High
07. Walkin’
08. Hope In A Hopeless World
09. Pigeons 10. Gimme
01. Impossible w/Long Jam
02. Drums
03. I Walk On Guilded Splinters
04. Tallboy
05. Rebirtha
06. No Sugar Tonight

07. Gradle
08. Makes Sense To Me

Taped By: Michael Wilker
Source: EV-RE20’s~>SBM1~>D8 fob


Widespread Panic
Chesterfield Café,
Paris, FR

0: Chilly Water > Weight Of The World > Chilly Water, Ride Me High > Low Rider > Wondering, Who Do You Belong To?, Vacation > Diner > Papa Legba > Drums > Pickin’ Up The Pieces, Proving Ground > Big Wooly Mammoth > Proving Ground

E1: The Last Straw

E2: Chunk Of Coal


Widespread Panic
March 19, 1998
Chesterfield Cafe
Paris, France

01 Intro Tuning
02 It Aint No Use >
03 Fishwater
04 Genesis
05 Rock
01 Heaven
02 Makes Sense to Me
03 Maggot Brain
04 Greta >
05 You Got Yours
06 Driving Song >
07 Holden Oversoul >
08 Drums >
09 Driving Song
10 Aint Life Grand
11 Crowd

12 Knockin’ Round the Zoo *

* – w/ Domingo “Sunny” Ortiz on Drums

Source: Neumann KM140 > Beyer MV100 > SBM-1 @ 44.1 KHz (fob)
Taped by: Kurt Vile (DAT clone supplied courtesy of Steve Bohannon)
Transfer by: BobbyHurley

Mini-Set earlier in the afternoon for the French press

01 Space Wrangler
02 Pilgrims
03 Hope in a Hopeless World
04 Porch Song

Source: Oade Stealth cardiod binaural mics > DA-P1 @ 44.1 KHz
Taped by: Sarah Browne


Widespread Panic
Chesterfield Cafe
Paris, FR.

01. Pigeons,
02. Tall Boy,
03. Sleeping Man,
04. Pleas, Si
05. Jack,
06. Dyin’ Man,
07. And It Stoned Me,
08. Love Tractor>
01. Just Kissed My Baby >
02. Drums >
03. Jam >
04. Space Wrangler >
05. Papa’s Home,
06. Porch Song >
07. Henry Parsons Died

08. Red Beans

Source: SBD > FM > DAT > Tascam CDRW 700 > EAC > SHN
Thanks to Mr. Phil and Bohannon
Converted to shn by Jonathan Fox


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Photos by Bob Bayne

Widespread Panic-‘Le Panique’
Chesterfield’s Cafe
Paris, France

One Set:

01. She Caught The Katy
02. Big Wooly Mammoth

03. Stop-N-Go
04. Hatfield
05. Walkin’
06. Aunt Avis
07. Disco
08. Arleen
09. Blackout Blues
Disc Two:
01. Nobody’s Loss
02. Junior
03. Jam
04. Drums
05. Jam
06. I’m Not Alone
07. Tie Your Shoes
08. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
09. Radio Child

10. Mr. soul

notes: small bar maybe 250 people.
bass rolloff was used in wavlab to cancel
blown speaker. still plenty of bass.
sing-along type shows due to small club.

Taped By: Michael Wilker
Source: EV-RE20~>SBM1~>D8 fob

Widespread Panic
August 10, 1999
Amsterdam, NL

Set I
01 Intro
02 Travelin’ Light
03 Sleepy Monkey >
04 Henry Parsons Died
05 Raise the Roof >
06 Junior >
07 Blackout Blues
08 Aunt Avis >
09 Tall Boy >
10 C. Brown

Set II
01 Intro
02 Surprise Valley >
03 Arlene >
04 Dyin’ Man >
05 Makes Sense to Me >
06 Pleas >
07 Swamp >
08 Drums >
09 Jam
01 Driving Song >
02 Breathing Slow >
03 Radio Child

-= Encores =-
04 Crowd
05 City of Dreams (E1)
06 Crowd
07 All Time Low (E2)

1st set: (FOB) Schoeps cmc6 + mk21 > Oade m148 > Graham-Patten ADC-20 > DAP-20
2nd set: (FOB) Schoeps cmc6 + mk21 > Oade m148 > SBM-1 > DAP-20
Taped by: Bill Mixon (seed from JJ Clifton)
Transfer by: BobbyHurley

Widespread Panic
06-23-1998 Set II+E
London, UK

~Set II~

1: Porch Song >
2: Sleeping Man
3: Christmas Katie >
4: Radio Child
5: Can’t Get High
6: Weight of the World
7: Ride Me High
8: Papa’s Home >
9: Drums >
10: Papa’s Home
1: Pilgrims
2: Conrad


3: All Time Low
4: Space Wrangler
5: Can’t Find My Way Home

[Slow ‘Porch Song’]

Do not recall why the first set was not recorded that night. As there are no other sources for this show listed in the database, I have not performed any edits other than tracking. Otherwise this is an exact copy of my DAT master. Enjoy!

Source: Neumann KM150 > Oade > DA-P1 > Coax > D8
Taper: Sarah Browne (Patched by Malone Camp)
Transferred by: Malone Camp

Widespread Panic
March 21, 1998
Chesterfield Cafe
Paris, France


01 Intro Tuning
02 The Take Out >
03 Travelin’ Light
04 Barstools & Dreamers
05 Happy >
06 Pusherman
07 Mercy >
08 Henry Parsons Died
01 Tuning
02 Aunt Avis >
03 Love Tractor >
04 Drums >
05 Porch Song* >
06 Nobody’s Fault But Mine
07 Conrad
08 Crowd & Sunny


09 Goin’ Out West
10 Dream Song

* – slow ‘Porch Song’

Source: Neumann KM140 > Beyer MV100 > SBM-1 @ 44.1 KHz (fob)
Taped by: Kurt Vile (DAT clone supplied courtesy of Steve Bohannon)
Transfer by: BobbyHurley

Widespread Panic
Embassy Room
London, England

One Set:
01. Intro
02. Let’s Get Down to Business
03. Papa Legba
04. Bear’s Gone Fishin’ > Jam >
05. Hatfield >
06. Porch Song >
07. The Waker
08. Dying Man
09. Diner >
10. Drums
01. Drums >
02. Drums & Bass (LGTSOTR Jam)
03. Let’s Get the Show on the Road >
04. Fishwater
05. Surprise Valley >
06. Stop-Go >
07. Climb to Safety
08. Crowd

09. Sometimes
10. All Time Low
11. Georgia on My Mind (P.A. Music)

Source: AKG 481 > Oade m248 > SBM-1 (48KHz)
Taped by Deepesh Misra. Clone courtesy of Steve Bohannon. Transferred by BobbyHurley.

from Mr. Phil’s blog
FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1999 / MANCHESTER > LONDON — This was it, the tour finale. Marti trained in from Glasgow; Disco, Pat and I rode the freak train from Manchester to London. A whole bunch of us were staying at the St. Margaret’s Hotel, off Russell Square in Bloomsbury.

Marti and I love this part of the city and it was close to the Embassy Rooms, Panic’s venue. In the big room next to ours were Bill Mixon, Stacey Gates and Jeff “Sequoia” McClean (who had produced a pair of excellent limited-edition bootleg teeshirts for this tour). Disco and Pat had rooms upstairs. And we kept running into more Panic heads every time we looked around.

A number of us gathered for lunch at Govinda, the Hari Krishna restaurant I’d mentioned in my June 1999 article on London for RELIX. After lunch I went to a web café to check my e-mail and post to my page.

Then we had beers at The Friend At Hand, a pub near the Russell Hotel. Marti and I went to soundcheck. Dave Schools sat down across from us in a booth and remarked that he had particularly enjoyed the Paris gig. I told him I hadn’t seen a bad show on the tour. And I was sorry it was almost over.

Starting tomorrow Schools and Mikey were going on vacations in England and around Europe with their respective squeezes. They could hardly wait.

I spotted Sam Lanier heading out for fish ‘n’ chips and I asked if Marti and I could join him. Sure, he replied.

We walked all the way down the Tottenham Court Road with me limping on my fucked-up leg. But it was worth it, in more ways than one.

The fish ‘n’ chips were great. Sam smiled and said, “You know, Phil, you’ve really got to see us in the States, with our full sound and all the lights. Why don’t you come to New Orleans for Halloween?”

I was bowled over. Needless to say, I took Sam up on his offer immediately. I had already scheduled a November flight to the U.S., to visit my mom in Massachusetts. All I had to do was change the dates of the booking!

Sam walked back up to the gig. Marti and I took a taxi, because of my hurtin’ leg. When we got to the venue, the place had a special end-of-tour vibe to it.

I was wearing my Alien glasses, partying with everyone in the room. Bill Pannifer, who runs the London-based Deadheads website Franklin’s Tower was in the house. So was a fan from Sweden. And a number of limeys who are into Panic.

We were ready to rock it one more time, Panic was ready to get down to business.

Let’s Get Down To Business, Papa Legba, Bear’s Gone Fishin’ > Hatfield > Porch Song > The Waker, Dyin’ Man, Diner > Drums > Let’s Get The Show On The Road > Fishwater, Surprise Valley > Stop-Go > Climb To Safety
E: Sometimes > All Time Low

That was it. One last one-set extravanganza. Loved that “Climb To Safety” closer. And here was the new item, “Sometimes,” kicking off the encore. A super night.

The show was over. The tour was over. But it seemed like no one was leaving the Embassy Rooms anytime soon.

Way back in Hannover Schools had been whining that he didn’t have any mementoes signed by the fans, so we presented him tonight with a New Morning poster that I had been toting from town to town, collecting Spreadhead autographs for Dave. He was thrilled, he said.

I looked around. It seemed like half the audience stayed for the aftershow.

I had a marvelous time on this run. What great fun getting to know and gettin’ down with folks like Pat, Disco, Deepesh, Stacey, Bill, Sequoia, Harmut, Ralph, Laurie, Chip, Rudi, Hanno and so many other fine peeps. Marti and I said goodbye to all our Spreadhead pals and the crew and the musicians, but my farewell was made less bittersweet by the fact that I was going to New Orleans for the three-night Halloween run.

This all began for me with ten nights at the Chesterfield Café. Over the past 18 months I had seen 20 Panic shows, all in Europe and none before a crowd of more than 400 people. Not that I’m complaining!

Now I was gonna see the real deal — make that surreal, it would be Nawlins.

Widespread Panic
Hop & Grape
Manchester, England

One Set:
01. Intro
02. Wonderin’ >
03. Blackout Blues
04. Can’t Get High
05. Radio Child
06. Knockin’ Round the Zoo
07. Rebirtha >
08. Do What You Like >
09. Big Woolly Mammoth >
10. Love Tractor
01. Drums >
02. Party at Your Mama’s House >
03. Pilgrims >
04. No Sugar Tonight / New Mother Nature
05. Crowd

06. Nobody’s Loss

Source: Schoeps MK41 > CMC6 > Sonosax SX-M2 > SBM-1 (48kHz)
Taped by Don Hess. Clone courtesy of Kenyon Hall. Transferred by BobbyHurley

Widespread Panic
August 25, 1999
King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut
Glasgow, Scotland

01 Intro / Tuning
02 Pigeons
03 Weak Brain, Narrow Mind
04 Sleepy Monkey >
05 One Arm Steve
06 Little Kin >
07 Let It Rock >
08 Christmas Katie >
09 Arleen …
01 … Driving Song >
02 Drums >
03 Pusherman >
04 Driving Song >
05 Aint Life Grand
06 Crowd

07 Watching the Sleeping Man
08 Makes Sense to Me

Source: (FOB) Schoeps cmc6 + mk41 > Sonosax SX-M2 > sbm-1 @ 48 kHz
Taped by: Don Hess (clone courtesy of Steve Bohannon)
Transfer by: BobbyHurley

Uploaded to PanicStream by DeadDuck

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photos by Mike Miro

Widespread Panic
August 23, 1999
New Morning
Paris, France

Set I
01 Intro
02 C. Brown >
03 Disco >
04 Goin’ Out West
05 Pleas >
06 Barstools & Dreamers
07 Aint No Use >
08 Blue Indian
09 Dyin’ Man

Set II
01 Porch Song >
02 Machine >
03 Blight >
04 Tall Boy >
05 Fishwater >
06 Drums >
07 Fishwater >
08 Impossible Song >
09 Travelin’ Light

01 Crowd
02 Sometimes
03 Me & the Devil Blues >
04 All Time Low

Notes: ‘A Love Supreme’ jam in ‘Aint No Use’; slow ‘Porch Song’; debut of ‘Sometimes’

Source: AKG 481 > Oade m248 > DA-P1 @ 44.1 kHz
Taped by: Deepesh Misra & Jeff McLean
Transfer by: BobbyHurley
Conversion by: OJ Da Juiceman

Uploaded to PanicStream by DeadDuck

Widespread Panic
August 21, 1999
Nandrin Music Festival
Nandrin, Belgium

One Set
01 Henry Parsons Died >
02 Love Tractor >
03 The Waker *
04 Surprise Valley >
05 Bear’s Gone Fishin’ >
06 Climb to Safety
07 Blackout Blues

* – Houser’s guitar not plugged in

Notes: some wind noise present throughout

Source: Schoeps cmc6 + mk41 (40′ from stage) > Sonosax SX-M2 > sbm-1 > DA-P1 @ 32 kHz
Taped by: Jeff Mclean and Don Hess (clones courtesy of Kenyon Hall and Steve Bohannon)
Transfer by: BobbyHurley

Uploaded by Iowan4Panic

Widespread Panic
Albani Music Club,
Winterthur, Switzerland

0: Space Wrangler > One Arm Steve, Worry > Christmas Katie, Greta > Jack, Wondering > Just Kissed My Baby > Little Lilly > Papa’s Home > Drums > Papa’s Home, Red Hot Mama > Radio Child
E: Heaven > Chilly Water

[‘Satisfied’ rap after ‘Just Kissed My Baby’]

Widespread Panic
Munich, Germany

Set 1:
01. Intro
02. Who Do You Belong To ?
03. Dyin’ Man
04. Aunt Avis >
05. She Caught the Katy >
06. Party at Your Mama’s House >
07. Ride Me High
08. I’m Not Alone
09. Travelin’ Light

Set 2:
01. Intro
02. All Time Low
03. Proving Ground >
04. Cream Puff War >
05. Proving Ground
06. Aint Life Grand >
07. Drums >
08. Jam
09. Wish You Were Here
10. Big Woolly Mammoth
11. Conrad
12. Crowd

13. Dream Song

Source: Schoeps MK41 > CMC6 > Oade m148 > SBM-1 > DA-P1 (44.1kHz)
Taped by Billy Mixon. Transferred by BobbyHurley

Widespread Panic
Nuremberg, Germany

Set 1:
1. Disco >
2. Climb To Safety
3. Better Off
4. Pigeons >
5. Blight >
6. Blue Indian
7. Holden Oversoul >
8. Love Tractor

Set 2:
1. Driving Song >
2. The Waker >
3. Fixin’ To Die >
4. Fishwater >
5. Driving Song
6. Hope In A Hopeless World >
7. Drums >
8. Drums (cont’d) >
9. Genesis >
10. Sleeping Man

1. crowd
2. Nobody’s Loss >
3. Porch Song