Porch Songs Release

All posts tagged Porch Songs Release

Widespread Panic
Winston-Salem, NC

~Set 1~

01. Fishwater
02. Holden Oversoul
03. Pigeons
04. Pickin’ Up The Pieces
05. The Last Straw
06. Makes Sense To Me
07. A of D
08. C. Brown
09. The Take Out >
10. Porch Song
11. Papa Legba

~Set 2~

12. Travelin’ Light
13. Machine >
14. Barstools and Dreamers
15. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
16. Space Wrangler
17. Mercy >
18. Jam >
19. Me And The Devil Blues
20. Chilly Water
21. Gimme
22. Proving Ground


23. Love Tractor
24. I’m Not Alone

source: unknown
Transferred by Steve Porcari, Seeded by Jason Grant

**known flaws”
-beginning of Mercy is missing(suspected tape flip). no lyrics affected.
-very beginning of fishwater is missing. houser’s intro is still there & no lyrics affected

-levels adjusted and some hiss removed via samplitude
-SBE’s corrected in Shntool v2.0.0 by woodpatri(05/06/2004)


Widespread Panic
Asheville Civic Center
Asheville, NC

1: Surprise Valley, Driving Song > Disco > Driving Song, The Waker, Pigeons, Blue Indian, Chunk Of Coal, Conrad

2: Radio Child, Airplane > Jam > Imitation Leather Shoes > Jam, You’ll Be Fine, Space Wrangler > Drums > Diner, Pilgrims, Postcard

E: Don’t Be Denied, Knocking ‘Round The Zoo

[‘Get Ready’ tease by Dave before ‘Diner’; ‘Surprise Valley’ rap by JB during ‘Postcard’]



Widespread Panic
April 11, 1995
Pittsburgh, PA
The Metropol

Set 1:
Track 01 – Intro/Weight of the World,
Track 02 – Little Kin,
Track 03 – Sleepin’ Man >
Track 04 – Better Off,
Track 05 – Airplane,
Track 06 – Diner >
Track 07 – I’m Not Alone,
Track 08 – B of D >
Track 09 – Love Tractor

Set 2:
Track 01 – Intro/Tuning
Track 02 – Ain’t Life Grand,
Track 03 – Stop-Go,
Track 04 – Radio Child >
Track 05 – Dream Song,
Track 06 – Let’s Get Down to Business
Track 07 – can’t Get High,
Track 01 – Mercy >
Track 02 – Henry Parsons Died,
Track 03 – Pilgrims,
Track 04 – Blackout

Track 05 – Low Spark (of High Heeled Boys)

Source: Schoeps(cmc5+mk4) > Aerco MP-2 > Apogee Ad500E > Casio DAR100 CLONE **FOB**
Taped by Mitch Elsky and transferred by Todd Edgerton 
Special thanks to Trey Woodruff for the supplying the master! 


Widespread Panic
Red Rocks
Morrison, Colorado

Set 1:
01. Pleas >
02. Imitation Leather Shoes
03. Walkin’ (For Your Love) >
04. C. Brown
05. Better Off
06. Trouble >
07. Driving Song >
08. Can’t Find My Way Home >
09. Driving Song
10. Travelin’ Light

Set 2:
01. Let’s Get Down To Business
02. One Arm Steve
03. Old Joe
04. Sleeping Man >
05. Happy >
06. Bear’s Gone Fishin’ >
07. Jam >
08. Drums* >
01. This Part Of Town
02. Swamp >
03. Climb To Safety

04. Papa’s Home >
05. Surprise Valley >
06. Papa’s Home
07. City of Dreams

* with Cecil Daniels


Widespread Panic
Red Rocks
Morrison, CO

Set I
1) Radio Child
2) Machine>
3) Barstools and Dreamers
4) Ride Me High>
5) Tie Your Shoes
6) I’m Not Alone
7) Dyin’ Man
8) Down
9) Don’t Tell the Band*

Set II
1) Disco>
2) North
3) Visiting Day>
4) Porch Song>
5) Diner>
6) Greta**>
1) Drums***>
2) Bass & Drums****>
3) Pusherman****>
4) Pickin’ up the pieces****>
5) No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature

6) Me & the Devil Blues*****
7) Flat Foot Flewzy*****

* First Time Played
** New Greta Groove
*** With Cody Dickenson (NMAS) on drums
**** With Cecil (peanut) Daniels on midi-sax
***** with Luther Dickenson (NMAS) on guitar

Source: Schoeps Mk4>Kc5>Cmc6>Lunatec V2>AD2K+(Nyquist 16 NN2)
Taped by Eric Scott of Denver
DAT>CD transfer by Eric Scott
CD>Shn seeding by Kevin Gallagher

Widespread Panic
Fox Theater,
Atlanta, GA

1: Tie Your Shoes* > Tall Boy* > Hatfield*, Happy Child* > Dear Mr. Fantasy*, Gradle*, Sleeping Man*, Chunk Of Coal**, Weight Of The World***, Worry*

2: Ain’t Life Grand > Contentment Blues > Postcard, Jack****, Airplane**** > Jam***** > Low Rider***** > Drums**** > I Walk On Guilded Splinters******, Space Wrangler**

E: Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys****** > Time Is Free******* > Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys******

* with Count Mbutu on percussion
** with Count Mbutu on percussion, Jeff Mosier on banjo
*** with Count Mbutu on percussion, Randall Bramblett on saxophone
**** with Chris on percussion, Count Mbutu on percussion
***** with Chris on percussion, Count Mbutu on percussion, Randall Bramblett on saxophone
****** with Count Mbutu on percussion, Jeff Mosier on banjo, Randall Bramblett on saxophone
******* with Col. Bruce Hampton on vocals, Count Mbutu on percussion, Jeff Mosier on banjo, Randall Bramblett on saxophone

[Soundcheck: ‘Low Spark of High Heeled Boys’ > ‘Time Is Free’ > ‘Low Spark of High Heeled Boys’]


Widespread Panic
Mid-South Coliseum,
Memphis, Tn

Set 1
1: Thought Sausage,
2: Chilly Water >
3: Jack >
4: Chilly Water,
5: Bear’s Gone Fishin’,
6: I’m Not Alone >
7: Sleeping Man,
8: Tall Boy >
9: Climb To Safety

Set 2:
1: One Arm Steve,
2: Pusherman,
3: Casa Del Grillo,
4: Fishwater*,
5: Stop Breakin’ Down Blues*,
6: Drums**,
7: Drums/Bass……….
8: Stop-Go,
9: Makes Sense To Me,
10: Give

11: Nobody’s Loss,
12: Ain’t Life Grand

* with Cody Dickinson on drums/percussion, Luther Dickinson on slide guitar
** with Cody Dickinson on drums/percussion

[The North Mississippi Allstars opened]

Mics: Schoeps mk4v>v2>ad1000>dap1 FOB/DFC
Tape transfer by John Hubert

Widespread Panic
Mid-South Coliseum,
Memphis, TN

Set 1: Love Tractor > Travelin’ Light, Party At Your Mama’s House > Dyin’ Man, Papa’s Home > Walkin’ (For Your Love) > Papa’s Home, Red Hot Mama > All Time Low

Set 2: Blackout Blues, Henry Parsons Died, Little Lilly > Vacation > Porch Song > Drums* > Washboard/D&B > Arleen > City of Dreams,

Encore: Let It Rock

* with Cody Dickinson (The North Mississippi Allstars) on spoons/washboard

[The North Mississippi Allstars opened]

Source: fob schoeps mk4(ortf)>kc5>cmc6>sonosax>Panasonic SV-250 > Zefiro ZA2>CDwav

I was asked to checkout some other sources for this show and I this source sounded real nice. Taped by Nate Fisher. Thanks to Julian for the tapes. Converted and Seeded by Alan Schwartz.

Widespread Panic
Brick Breeden Fieldhouse,
Montana State University,
Bozeman, MT

1: Heroes > Rebirtha > The Waker, Papa Legba > Stop-Go > Cream Puff War, Sleepy Monkey > Little Lilly > One Arm Steve

2: Let’s Get Down To Business, Rock > Walkin’ (For Your Love) > Jack > Pigeons > Drums > Astronomy Domine Jam > One Kind Favor, Blue Indian > Climb To Safety

E: Can’t Find My Way Home > Makes Sense To Me

[Dave on stand-up for ‘Can’t Find My Way Home’; ‘Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun’ tease by Dave after ‘Drums’]

Widespread Panic
Independence Arena,
Charlotte, NC

1: Little Lilly > Blackout Blues, Party At Your Mama’s House > Stop Breakin’ Down Blues, Down, Radio Child > Little Kin, Barstools and Dreamers, Dream Song

2: Papa Legba > Ain’t Life Grand, Cortez the Killer* > Drive* > Climb To Safety* > Drums** > Papa’s Home, Red Hot Mama > Give

E: City of Dreams, Porch Song

* with Brad Rosen on percussion, Jerry Joseph on guitar/vocals
** with Brad Rosen on percussion

[‘Let’s Get It On’ rap by JB during ‘Barstools and Dreamers’; ‘Whole Lotta Love’ rap by Jerry during ‘Drive’; Jerry Joseph & the Jackmormons opened; Jerry Joseph & the Jackmormons set featured Mike on guitar for ‘The Fastest Horse In Town’ and Mike on guitar and JoJo on keyboards for ‘Road To Damascus’ > ‘We’ll Be Fine’]



Setlist photo courtesy of the official Widespread Panic Facebook page

This show is available as an official WP Archives Porch Songs release

Widespread Panic
UTC-McKenzie Arena
Chattanooga, TN

Set I

1. (Crowd/Tuning)
2. Greta >
3. Low Spark of High Heeled Boys >
4. Rock
5. Clinic Cynic
6. Space Wrangler
7. Henry Parsons Died
8. Nobody’s Fault But Mine >
9. Big Woolly Mammoth >
10. Conrad

Set II

1. (Crowd/Tuning)
2. Don’t Tell The Band >
3. Imitation Leather Shoes
4. Mercy >
5. Chilly Water >
6. Mr. Soul > Drums
1. Drums >
2. Chilly Water >
3. Dyin’ Man >
4. Pusherman >
5. Climb To Safety

6. Pilgrims
7. Goin’ Out West

[‘Sympathy For The Devil’, ‘Third Stone From The Sun’, and ‘Another One Bites The Dust’ teases by Dave after ‘Drums’]

Taped, transferred, and seeded by Andrew Scaboo
Source: Shure MX-100 (hyper-cardiod) > SP-SPSB-2 > Sony MZ-N505

Widespread Panic
Independence Arena,
Charlotte, NC


01 Intro/Tuning
02 Little Lilly~>
03 Blackout Blues
04 Party @ Your Mamas~>
05 Stop Breakin’ Down
06 Down
07 Radio Child~>
08 Little Kin
09 Barstools & Dreamers
10 Dream Song


01 Intro/Tuning
02 Papa Legba~>
03 Ain’t Life Grand
04 Cortez the Killer*~>
05 Drive*~>
06 Climb to Safety*~>
07 Drums**~>
08 Papas Home
09 Red Hot Mama~>
10 Give


01 City of Dreams
02 Porch Song

* w/ Brad Rosen on percussion, Jerry Joseph on guitar/vocals
** w/ Brad Rosen on percussion

[‘Let’s Get It On’ rap by JB during ‘Barstools and Dreamers’; ‘Whole Lotta Love’ rap by Jerry during ‘Drive’; Jerry Joseph & the Jackmormons opened; Jerry Joseph & the Jackmormons set featured Mike on guitar for ‘The Fastest Horse In Town’ and Mike on guitar and JoJo on keyboards for ‘Road To Damascus’ > ‘We’ll Be Fine’]

source: mk4v~>kc5~>m222~>nt222~>vms5u~>AD1000~>HHb
location: fob/dfc/ortf
transfer: DAT(m)~>HHb PDR1000~>744t~>CdWave~>Wavelab 5~>Flac 6
taped & transferred by charles fox

Widespread Panic
October 19, 2001
Brick Breeden Fieldhouse
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT.

Set 1
1. Heroes >
2. Papa Legba
3. This Part Of Town
4. Sleeping Man
5. Party At Your Mama’s House >
6. The Waker >
7. Hatfield >
8. Tall Boy
9. Give

Set 2
1. Walk On
2. Space Wrangler >
3. Pigeons
4. Light Is Like Water*,
5. Road To Damascus* >
6. We’ll Be Fine** >
7. Drums *** >
1. Drums & Bass > Jam >
2. Rebirtha >
3. Porch Song
4. One Arm Steve

5. Chunk Of Coal
6. End Of The Show

* with Brad Rosen on percussion, Jerry Joseph on guitar/vocals
** with Brad Rosen on percussion, Jerry Joseph on guitar/vocals, Junior Ruppel on vocals
*** with Brad Rosen on percussion

[Slow ‘Porch Song’; ‘No Time’ jam after ‘Drums’]

Source: Unknown
Mastered and Converted by: Ted Rockwell

Widespread Panic
Aragon Ballroom
Chicago, IL

Set 1:

01. Coconut 08:28.60
02. Fishwater 09:28.44
03. C. Brown 06:41.56
04. Glory > 03:50.17
05. Rock > 06:58.53
06. Impossible > 04:58.28
07. Blight 06:32.03
08. Shiek > 04:16.26
09. Pilgrims > 07:13.52
10. Postcard 04:56.55

Set 2:

11. Radar Love 09:21.10
12. Ain’t Life Grand > 04:51.54
01. West Virginia > 01:00.34
02. Porch Song 03:37.65
03. Greta > Jam > 13:07.23
04. Space Truckin’ > 04:23.14
05. Chilly Water > 06:45.65
06. Drums > 07:34.34
07. Chilly Water > 04:39.58
08. Hatfield > 10:52.52
09. Conrad 09:06.22


10. Riders On The Storm > 08:58.21
11. Henry Parsons Died 06:42.28

[Only ‘Radar Love’, First ‘Riders On The Storm’, Only ‘Space Truckin”; Slow ‘Porch Song’; Soundcheck: ‘Radar Love’, ‘Space Truckin’, ‘You Got Yours’; Tina & the B-side Movement opened]

Source: AKG 391 > B18 > D7 (@48K)
Transfer and Seed: Jason Brantley
DAT provided by: JJ Clifton

Widespread Panic
Milwaukee, WI.

Set One:

01. Sleepy Monkey
02. Makes Sense To Me
03. Gradle
04. Just Kissed My Baby
05. Burnt Faceless
06. Happy
07. Wondering
08. Sick N Tired>
Shake, Rattle, & Roll>
Sick N Tired*^
09. Contentment Blues
10. Love Tractor

Set Two:

01. Airplane
02. Aunt Avis
03. B Of D
04. Jack
05. Dear Mr. Fantasy
06. Guilded Splinters
07. Drums
08. Guilded Splinters
09. Diner
10. Tallboy


11. And It Stoned Me
12. Red Beans

-*first Shake, Rattle, & Roll
-^only Sick N Tired

**********4 MIC MIX**********

Taped, Transfered, Seeded By: Michael Wilker
Source: EV-RE20’s~> 410+ AKG393’s~> m148~> 410~> SBM1~>D8 EV’s(dfc) / AKG’s(split ‘8)

Widespread Panic
Red Rocks,
Morrison, CO

0: Space Wrangler, C. Brown, Walkin’ (For Your Love), Makes Sense To Me, Rock, Proving Ground, Pigeons

[Acoustic Junction and Blues Traveler also appeared]


This show available as an official WP Archives Porch Songs Release

Widespread Panic
Tad Smith Coliseum
University of Mississippi
Oxford, MS.

Set 1:

01. Proving Ground >
02. Blackout Blues >
03. Proving Ground,
04. Wondering,
05. Rebirtha >
06. Papa Legba,
07. Stop-Go >
08. Dear Mr. Fantasy,
09. Radio Child,
10. Conrad

Set 2:

01. Send Your Mind >
02. Love Tractor,
03. Aunt Avis >
04. Driving Song >
05. Tall Boy > Jam >
06. Driving Song >
07. Airplane > Take Off Jam >
08. Drums >
09. Raise The Roof >
10. Entering A Black Hole Backwards >
11. Chilly Water *


12. Tacos >
13. Help Me Somebody >
14. Porch Song

* Small cut (~3 seconds) in Chilly. Fades applied.

[Slow ‘Porch Song’; Joan Osborne opened]

Source: EV-RE20 > SBM1 > D8
Taped and Transferred by Michael Wilker
Seeded by Martin Medley.

Thanks to Michael for letting me borrow the DATs!

Flyer courtesy of Suzanne Knievel-Holland


This show available as an official WP Archives Porch Songs Release

Widespread Panic
September 15th, 1995
Keswick Theatre
Glenside, PA

Set 1:

Track 01 – Pleas
Track 02 – Little Kin
Track 03 – A of D >
Track 04 – Wondering >
Track 05 – Papa Legba
Track 06 – Burnt Faceless
Track 07 – Jack >
Track 08 – Provin’ Ground >
Track 09 – 1 x 1 >
Track 10 – Provin’ Ground

Set 2:

Track 01 – Intro/Tuning
Track 02 – Drivin’ Song >
Track 03 – Airplane >
Track 04 – Driving Song >
Track 05 – Pigeons >
Track 06 – Sleeping Man
Track 07 – Heroes >
Track 08 – Radio Child >
Track 09 – Drums >
Track 01 – Disco >
Track 02 – Walkin’ (for your love)
Track 03 – Low Spark (of High Heeled Boys) >
Track 04 – Conrad


Track 05 – Red Beans

(Joan Osborne opened)

Source: AKG 414 (specific rig not specified)
Special thanks to Trey Woodruff for the supplying the master!
Transferred by Todd Edgerton

This show available as an official WP Archives Porch Songs Release
Photos and text courtesy of Widespread Panic / Brown Cat

Widespread Panic
Kahuna Summer Stage,
Wilmington, DE

1: Glory > C. Brown > Give, Diner > Rebirtha > Blackout Blues, E on a G > Dirty Business > All Time Low

2: Swamp > 1 x 1, Sleepy Monkey > Stop Breakin’ Down Blues > Party At Your Mama’s House > Red Hot Mama > Drums > The Last Straw > All Along The Watchtower > Travelin’ Light

E: Old Joe, North

[First ‘All Along The Watchtower’; ‘War’ and ‘Kinky Reggae’ raps by JB during ‘Sleepy Monkey’; Soundcheck: ‘She Caught The Katy’, ‘Fishwater’ (partial and included as the intro. to ‘The Earth Will Swallow You’)]

 Horrace’s comments from the WP Archives Blog

The Big Kahuna indeed! We’ve stuck around in 2001 for the 3rd volume of Porch Songs…and for that matter, the same tour. To set the stage….Wilmington was the 2001 summer tour’s show # 29 out of 33. Starting about as far west in the United States as possible at the Navy Pier in San Diego, CA and having been south to Texas and north to Minnesota, a spot on the Christiana River in Wilmington, Delaware made perfect sense. Sandwiched between three night runs at the Beacon Theater in New York City and Oak Mountain in Birmingham, having The Earth Will Swallow You film crew in tow and cueing up for a date with David Letterman the next night, this show wasn’t necessarily set to be anything spectacular. But once again, that seemed to be the right recipe as this night was going to be anything but normal.

That lack of normalcy was especially true for our very own Chris Rabold, WP sound engineer, since Wilmington was his first show running front of house sound. With not too much going on in the periphery, I’m sure Chris was as cool as a cucumber. Right! The first set opening with Glory > C. Brown > Give seemed to give him a chance to get dialed in prior to the band taking off into a little more free-flowing territory with Diner and Rebirtha. After Blackout Blues ended another first set paragraph, a rare E on a G was a very nice surprise with the seldom played Dirty Business to follow before an All Time Low signaled the end of the first set. Evidently, earlier that week had seen the Delaware River ripe with controversy as a chemical explosion had apparently emptied quite a bit of toxicity into the river…..and with lots of talk going around about causes, responsibility, etc., this was certainly an “all time low” for the local area with some “dirty business”certainly in the river as well as possibly being the underlying cause. Obviously, with the venue set on the Christiana River just before it empties into the Delaware itself, this backdrop added to the intensity of the musical conversation. With the crowd, the band and the crew finally catching their collective breaths, I’m sure no one enjoyed that set break more than Chris.

Set two seemed to start right off where the first one left off…with a sense that the band was playing with a purpose and the audience might want to put on its seat belts. Good thing as Swamp and 1×1 started things off by sticking to that recently developed water theme. A first class Sleepy Monkey (got to hear this one for yourself as JB is doing his thing) set up a trio of Stop Breaking Down > Party At Your Mama’s House > Red Hot Mama that took everyone on quite a improvisational journey as they headed into the drums and then out into a nice little jam that ends with nowhere else to go but into The Last Straw. There are more surprises to come as you hear JoJo with the first notes of All Along the Watchtower and then Dave takes over the vocal duties as WP covers this classic song out for the first time. With Travelin’ Light to sew up the set and starting the encores with Old Joe, everyone had a chance to reflect before the band turned its attention to the next night’s Letterman performance with North. And I’m sure Mr. Rabold was now enough of a seasoned veteran to have his next gig be for a national tv audience….no doubt riding on that highway of fire.

Again, whether it’s a small bar in Montreal or a deck on a river in Delaware, it’s those shows that come out of nowhere that continue to amaze. Out of the way places just seem to provide that recipe for musical focus; no matter what might be going on off the stage. Isn’t it special to get something over the top when you would’ve been more than satisfied with something considered normal? This performance more than delivers in that regard…..find out for yourself by downloading the MP3 or FLAC files….or now you can even get the on-demand CDs – – continue reading below for more information on that new choice. Finally, as always with the Porch Song series, it’s caveat emptor regarding the sound quality as what you get depends on what went down on that DAT tape the night of the show. I think you will find this show delivering the goods as this particular night Chris Rabold certainly turned a corner in his WP journey. Thanks Chris for what you’ve done and continue to do for us…night after night after night. Feedback is always welcome as we continue this archive journey, so hit me at archives@widespreadpanic.com.

This show available as an official WP Archives Porch Songs Release
Photos courtesy of Widespread Panic / Brown Cat

Widespread Panic
Mud Island Amphitheater
Memphis, TN

Set 1:

01. Flat Foot Flewzy >
02. Pleas
03. Let’s Get Down To Business
04. The Last Straw >
05. Weak Brain, Narrow Mind
06. Greta >
07. Holden Oversoul >
08. Pusherman >
09. Henry Parsons Died*

Set 2:

01. Tall Boy >
02. Aunt Avis >
03. Jam >
04. Chilly Water
05. Jack
06. Rebirtha >
07. Arleen >
08. Drums** >
01. Drums** >
02. Porch Song >
03. Contentment Blues


04. Junior*** >
05. End Of The Show****

* with Daniel Hutchens on vocals, Eric Carter on guitar
** with Matt Abts on timbales
*** with Warren Haynes on guitar
**** with Daniel Hutchens on vocals, Eric Carter on guitar, Warren Haynes on guitar

[Slow ‘Porch Song’; Gov’t Mule opened]

Source: [FOB] AKG 483 > Oade M248 > SBM-1
Flac Conversion / ffp / Text / Seed: Josh Hall [November 2007]