This show is when PanicStream officially launched.
Widespread Panic
March 24th, 2005
Fox Theatre
Atlanta, GA
Set 1:
Track 01 – Holden Oversoul>
Track 02 – Love Tractor>
Track 03 – Thin Air (Smells Like Mississippi)>
Track 04 – Hatfield>
Track 05 – One Arm Steve>
Track 06 – Fishing>
Track 07 – Litle Lilly>
Track 08 – Rock>
Track 09 – Ain’t Life Grand
Set 2:
Track 01 – Old Neighborhood
Track 02 – Papa Johnny Road>
Track 03 – Wondering
Track 04 – Driving Song>
Track 05 – Second Skin>
Track 06 – Driving Song>
Track 07 – Greta>
Track 08 – Fishwater
Track 01 – Blue Indian
Track 02 – Use Me
Track 03 – Climb To Safety
[Only ‘Second Skin’; ‘Stranglehold’ teases during ‘Wondering’]
Source: mk41>kc5>cmc6>Lunatec V2>Apogee Mini-Me>Tascam DA-P1
Taped/Transferred by Carrington Crawford
Song Origin Compiled by Burnthday: Second Skin
“When Jerry came to Athens, I told him that you’re not allowed to write about sex, drugs, death, religion, politics or Jesus,” Schools says with a laugh glancing at Joseph. “Jerry kind of looked at me and said, ‘Well, you took all my safety nets away, the things I’m used to drawing from. If I can’t write about things that make me [tick] as a songwriter, what are some things that I can write about?’ We both have a pretty well developed sense of what J.B. feels comfortable singing, so I suggested concepts like rebirth, traveling, animals…take ‘Second Skin,’ for example. I mean, what do snakes do? They shed their skin and start anew. We all knew a little something about that. So it was an experiment to try and write for John Bell about things he’d be comfortable singing about.”
“The experience of doing this sort of thing was pretty daunting for me, because it’s wasn’t just the song titles or subject matter that were pretty different from my songwriting, it was also the perspective and style,” Joseph explains. “I’ve made an entire fucking career out of writing songs from either the first person…I feel, I think, I am…or the second person…you should, you ought to, you are…That’s been my whole thing for years; you do this or think this. All of that was out the window for this experiment because J.B. doesn’t do that as a songwriter and never really has.”
Widespread Panic: New Frontiers (American Songwriter
We were all told to work on ideas and present them in any fashion. JoJo presented these rough demos, with drum loops and overdubs. Todd did a little songwriting on the guitar. During the break, Jerry Joseph and I wrote a handful of songs with Widespread Panic in mind, like “Crazy” and “Second Skin.” We discussed motifs that John Bell likes to use. “Crazy” is about angels and traveling, two of J.B.‘s favorite things to sing about. With “Second Skin,” you can get literary or bring in all the rebirth of Panic stuff you want, but it’s really about shedding skin. It has always been very important for us to keep the meanings of our songs as wide-ranging as possible. If a song is so obvious that it only has one meaning, I don’t think it holds as much weight.
The Core: Dave Schools (Relix
Editor’s note (Burnthday): I was told the song is really about a breakup.
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