Widespread Panic
Tunes For Tots
Center Stage Theatre
Atlanta, Georgia
1st Set
01 Tunes For Tots Program
02 Greeting/Tuning
03 Chilly Water >
04 Travelin’ Light
05 Space Wrangler >
06 Coconut
07 The Take Out >
08 Porch Song
09 Stop/Go >
10 Drivin’ Song
11 Breathin’ Slow >
01 Drum Solo >
02 Holden Oversoul >
03 Contentment Blues >
04 Me And The Devil Blues >
05 Heaven
2nd Set:
06 Crowd/Tuning
07 Send Your Mind
08 Walkin’ >
09 Pigeons
10 Mercy >
11 Rock >
12 Makes Sense To Me >
01 C Brown >
02 Love Tractor
03 Weight Of The World
04 I’m Not Alone
05 Barstools Built For Dreamers
06 Provin’ Ground
07 Last Straw
08 Dave/JB Banter
09 Sleepy Monkey >`
10 Last Dance
Set 1 was the Capricorn release of ‘Space Wrangler’
Set 2 was the ‘Mom’s Kitchen’ album
Source: Schoeps CCM4V’S(din)> Lunatec V2> Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Recorded By: Z-Man
Here is tonight’s Widespread Panic Tunes For Tots performance from Center Stage Theatre. I had a ticket lined up from a friend 3 weeks ago. Two days ago, that ticket was given to someone else and I was kicked to the curb. I was not real happy as I booked a flight predicated on seeing this 3 day run. A couple of friends made some posts and within a day, I found a ticket. A bit nerve racking as I was in the midst of 12-14 hour work days for the past 20 straight days, and it took a good bit of convoluting to get off work for this 3 day run at home. I felt like a zombie when I headed to Logan Airport in Boston early this morning. I got on my plane and flew home. Horace and Christy came over to the house by mid-afternoon. I was happy to be home after a rough stretch of work. It was a chill afternoon at the house. We headed downtown around 5:00. I met up with Jeff and his Bama entourage, as they were the folks who saved me and sold me their extra ducat for tonight’s show.
I can’t remember the last time I saw a show at Center Stage. I remember going to see and record Tom Constanten and Robert Hunter with Chris, my wife in 1988 there. I was in the same complex a few weeks ago for the Stockholm Syndrome show, but that was at The Loft. The tickets were very nicely done. On the ticket, it specifically stated, NO Recording. I knew this might be an obstacle to overcome. I ran into Paul, our favorite Panic Tech as I returned from the car. I chewed the fat and even asked him about recording. He got on his radio and asked Mike, the new Production Manager. His reply was normal policy, YES! The setting was small and intimate. We headed over behind the soundboard and “set up shop” there. I grabbed the middle seat and threw my stand up. Within 2 minutes, we had 2 big security guards in our face. He asked me for our credentials. I explained the taping policy and who we talked to as tonight was NO taping. He radioed Mike and after a minute of silence, we got the green light! At the time,I thought we were the only tapers, then Ira showed up and clamped on. Actually, when the lights came on after the show, I saw 2 other tapers up back. Not sure who they were.
I was ready for a show as it had been 11 days since my last show. I think I was suffering from withdrawals. The boys hit the stage at about 8:15. I was now psyched to see the boys. I was kinda surprised to see them open with Chilly since they did that a couple of days ago. Travelin’ Light was next, followed by Wrangler>Coconut. At that point, we knew we were in the midst of having them play the entire Space Wrangler! I was very excited cuz I was going to hear Stop/Go even though they just played it a couple of nights prior! At the end of Drivin’, there was a bit of a pause before they launched into Breathing Slow. Seems that Jimmy needed to be prodded. The Contentment>Me & The Devil>Heaven was a sweet set ender. So, they took an hour album and stretched it into a 110 minute 1st set, WOW!
Second set thoughts were not even discussed after the marathon opening set. We had no idea what was in store. It did not take long to see that next up was their 2nd album! We have witnessed the boys doing an album for a set before, but never 2 times in a show. Playing the Center Stage was a nostalgic step back in time for these guys. At one point near the end of the show, JB quipped, “It is more hip playing here now, than it was 20 years ago”! I loved the versions of Mercy>Rock. I saw a bunch of shows this spring looking for C Brown and finally got it tonight. The last four songs of the set had me. After I’m Not Alone, Barstools was long and dirty. Provin’ Ground and Last Straw is a great way to end a set. Now we were saying, what about the encore? A Sleepy Monkey>Last Dance had us out on several great notes!
Great to hang with Jeff and his “Bama crew of Denise, Ames, and Ashlie, Bill, Seth, Heather, Ira and Trent, Kwon, Horace, Christy, Colin, Wes, Chris R., Lorrie, Cary, and the rest of the crew.
Dinner tonight after finally getting home was leftover Extra Spicy General Tso’s Chicken, Fried Rice, and Eggroll, Homeade Chocolate Chip Cookies (thanks to my honey Chris!), Sun Chips, Reese’s Dark Peanut Butter Cups, and anything else we could find.
Enjoy show # 195 of 2010!

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