Fair Grounds Race Course

All posts tagged Fair Grounds Race Course

Widespread Panic
Louisiana Jazz and Heritage Festival
Fair Grounds Race Course
New Orleans, LA


1.) Disco -> (04:34.34)
2.) Suprise Valley -> (10:22.27)
3.) Thin Air(Smells Like Mississippi) -> (07:21.27)
4.) Imitation Leather Shoes (05:02.16)
5.) Space Wrangler -> (08:27.35)
6.) Henry Parsons Died (06:57.01)
7.) Bayou Lena (06:14.47)
8.) Nebulous -> (06:28.50)
9.) North (08:22.61)
10.) Tortured Artist (04:52.64)
11.) Wondering (09:26.01)
12.) Driving Song -> (04:02.45)
13.) Porch Song -> (10:42.48)
14.) Driving Song (02:25.15)
15.) Fishwater* (13:16.00)
16.) Give (05:51.28)
17.) Climb To Safety (08:18.06)


18.) Old Neighborhood (05:33.34)
19.) Rebirtha (13:19.14)
20.) Ain’t Life Grand (05:15.00)

* with Efrem Towns on trumpet, Kevin Harris on tenor saxophone, Roger Lewis on baritone saxophone

(FOB)AKG 482(spaced 2′) -> Oade M148 -> mod SBM1
Conversion:Fostex D5 -> Terratec EW24/96 -> Cool Edit -> CD Wav -> Flac
Recorded and Converted By Stuart Carter & Mike Falcon

Widespread Panic
May 1st, 2008
Jazz & Heritage Festival-Acura Stage
New Orleans, LA

Taped, Transferred & Seeded by Dennis Tyler

One Set Disc One
1. Intro
2. Walk On The Flood
3. Thought Sausage
4. From The Cradle >
5. Love Tractor >
6. Fixin’ To Die *
7. Already Fried
8. Greta >
9. Drums/Rap > **
10. Big Chief > $
11. Bowlegged Woman

Disc Two
1. Her Dance Needs No Body
2. Conrad 3. Drivin’ >
4. Impossible >
5. Drivin’>
6. Angels On High >
7. Porch Song
8. Protein Drink >
9. Sewing Machine
10. Action Man
11. Encore Break
12. Knockin’ Round The Zoo

* with Page McConnell
** with Wild Magnolias
$ with Big Chief Bo Dollis Jr.