Friends and family of Pace Taylor in attendance tonight. ©Josh Timmermans | Noble Visions
Zman’s Source
Widespread Panic
St. Augustine Amphitheatre
St. Augustine, Florida
1st Set
01 Time Zones >
02 Who Do You Belong To? >
03 Tall Boy >
04 Jam >
05 Walkin’ >
06 Pigeons
07 Me And The Devil
08 Sundown Betty
09 *Slippin’ Into Darkness >
10 All Time Low
2nd Set
01 Heaven >
02 Ain’t Life Grand
03 Holden Oversoul >
04 Life During Wartime >
05 Papa’s Home >
06 Jam >
07 Drum Solo >
08 Papa’s Home >
09 Jam >
10 Blue Indian
11 Big Wooly Mammoth >
12 North
01 Honky Red >
02 Climb To Safety
[Friends & family of Pace Taylor in attendance; Last 2nd set ‘Heaven’ opener 3/30/95 Orono, Maine]
Source: Schoeps CCM4V’s>Lunatec V2>Sound Devices 722 (24/44)
FOB/DRFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP Section 102, Row K, Seat 113, 7 1/2′ High
Recorded By: Z-Man

Pace Taylor was a 19 year old fan that drowned in the Mississippi River following the Widespread Panic night one show at Mud Island earlier this summer. During this weekend’s run in St Augustine, PanicStream Helping Hands has been assisting with a couple of fundraising events to help the Taylor family’s plan to build a reef through the Coastal Conservation Association, in honor of Pace. He was a freshman at Valdosta State University and many of his friends and family were in attendance at the show. ‘Ain’t Life Grand’ shirts were sold leading up to the show so the ‘Heaven’ > ‘Ain’t Life Grand’ 2nd set opener was the band’s quiet way of showing their respect to the family and remembering JB’s message to the fans following the 2nd night at Mud Island.
“Look out for each other. Take care of each other. So we can live to play another day”
Which ties in to the ‘Climb To Safety’ closer in St Augustine…
“We must grab each others collar, we must rise out of the water
‘Cause you know as well as I do that it’s no fun to die alone”

From Pace’s mother
I wanted to share this exchange with you all because truthfully, I had forgotten about it until today. People have asked us why we would want to expose ourselves to the hurt that may come with seeing WSP so soon after losing Pace. I think the words below explain a little of that. We really feel like the Spread Heads are family and we are looking forward to getting some love this weekend!
July 4, 2018
Dear WSP,
My name is Jen Taylor and I am the Mother of the boy who passed away after your concert in Memphis. I don’t have words to fully express to you how I feel about this week. I am completely broken and my world is shattered but at the same time, I am calm because I know my boy was living his life and hearing your tunes in his head as he left us. Pace loved Widespread. His Dad and I raised him on WSP tunes from birth and we shared nights at your concerts from St Augustine to Denver. Pace was one of those little 14 year olds who jiggled and bounced as his parents taught him to appreciate Southern Rock. Music has helped keep our family together in tough times and we often scheduled a concert break during family vacations. Widespread made our lives Grand for sure and we are so appreciative of your talent.
Some folks feel like we should be angry at the concert scene for introducing our son to the shady side of concert events. It’s true, we wish he had skipped the pre parties and simply made his way to the pit to dance his troubles out. Unfortunately, he chose otherwise. But that’s not on you and we wont pack away 20 years of watching him dance in the living room in WSP shirts and hats that were always borrowed from his Daddy. Today, I have a trunk full of his own shirts that have been delivered to my home. I slept in his Green “Aint Life Grand” shirt and I fell asleep with Little Kin in my headphones. We shared this love of the perfect tension felt in your music and I know he is with me each time I tell Alexa to serve you up.
I’m not sure what I wanted to say other than Thank You. Thanks for loving my boy through your music even though he was just one of millions who worship you with their sweat on a Friday night. Thank you for being a part of our family and for spinning the soundtrack that will always define our kid.
Jen (Mama)
JBism following night two at Mud Island
July 7, 2018
Dear Pace’s Family,
I can’t be sure of finding words of comfort, but want to reach out to you (and Pace) with the intention of offering Blessings.
May the Taylor Family, and all those close to Pace, find a place of Peace in their Hearts in the midst of unexpected, unimaginable, but very real and in-this-moment sadness. That is my wish.
The picture of Pace you shared reminded me of my friends, myself, and everyone in a moment of life where enthusiasm for even the simplest things is common. Thank you for the reminder that no matter how much older and crankier we get, we can still try to embody the spirit I witness in that photo.
I hope you can grieve, laugh, and Love in close harmony. That too is my wish.
I truly believe Angels abound and surround Pace and his Family.
Sincerely, John Bell
Photos from the PanicStream Helping Hands Golf Outing earlier in the day by scarlet_bucket
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