Virginia Tech

All posts tagged Virginia Tech

Widespread Panic
Commonwealth Ballroom, Squires Student Center,
Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA

124 min.

Set 1:
(missing Junior and She Caught The Katy)
1. …Wondering (3:32)
2. Gradle (5:04)
3. Weight of the World (5:46)
4. Sleepy Monkey (7:53)
5. Last Dance (6:42)
6. The Last Straw (burp) (4:50)
7. Little Kin (5:18)
8. Travelin’ Light (7:30)

Set 2:
1. Ain’t Life Grand (4:56)
2. Rock (7:15)
3. Raise The Roof (burp) (4:49)
4. Pleas (5:55)
5. Pigeons (11:40)
6. Hatfield (14:27)
7. And It Stoned Me (6:12)
8. Chilly Water (14:43)

1. Porch Song (4:24)
2. Postcard (cut) (2:33)