Widespread Panic
Soldiers And Sailors Memorial Auditorium
Chattanooga, Tennessee
1st Set
01 Tuning
02 Disco >
03 Drivin’ Song >
04 Rebirtha >
05 Drivin’ Song >
06 Diner >
07 Rock
08 Clinic Cynic >
09 Crazy >
10 Pleas >
11 Mr. Soul
2nd Set
01 Tuning
02 Postcard >
03 Worry
04 Tortured Artist >
05 Fishwater >
06 Drum Solo >
07 Fishwater
08 Three Candles >
09 That Thang >
01 Jam >
02 Airplane >
03 Take-Off Jam >
04 Ride Me High# >
05 Henry Parsons Died >
06 Sometimes >
07 Henry Parsons Died
08 Crowd/Tuning
09 Last Straw >
10 Cream Puff War
# with former crew member Ryan “Silky” Dowd on Shaker (Ride Me High)
Source: Schoeps CCM4V’S(din)
Recorded By: Z-Man
Here is tonight’s Widespread Panic show from Chattanooga. Horace came by the house and shortly after, we headed over to Dave And Busters, where Chris C bought us lunch. We then headed north on I-75 to Tennessee. Got there and met Amy, Christy, and Martin. Chip was also there and Chris showed up shortly after we did. Rayner, Cory, and Squirt got there next. Rayner had her laptop and we were going to stream, hopefully. I was the first one in the building and grabbed 12th row DFC. Martin clamped on. Chris, Russ, and another taper were right behind us. Ryan was just in front of us. We got on line and were ready to stream.
My call was Disco for the opener and that is what we got. This led nicely into Drivin’>Rebirtha>Drivin’>DINER>Rock. What a fabulous way to start the evening!!! The set closed with Pleas>Mr. Soul. Probably my favorite 1st set of the tour.
The second set opened with Post Card>Worry. Tortured kind of took the spirit away from me, but back it came with a Fishwater. A couple of slow dances with Three Candles>That Thang until suddenly we got a great Airplane. Next was Ride Me High which I thought was a weak and short version. But a Parsons Sandwich with Something in the middle closed the set very upbeat.
Great hangin’ with Horace, Christy, Amy, Chris, Russ, Rayner, Squirt, Cory, Zach, Julie, Laura, Ash, Kenny, Matt, Bill, Martin, Ashley, and the rest of the gang. Also great to hang with my Ztreamers!
Late night dinner consisted of Buffalo Chicken, Spicy Chicken Burrito, and a 32 oz Frozen Capucino.
Enjoy show # 118 of 2010

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