Paradise Rock Club

All posts tagged Paradise Rock Club

Widespread Panic
The Paradise
Boston, MA


A of D,
Me And The Devil Blues,
Travelin’ Light,
Love Tractor,
Porch Song

SOURCE SBD > D5 (deck was possibly a Nak CR-3A)

SBD MCass (Maxell XL-II 90)> Sony TC-WE805S >
Art DI/O (48Khz, Input gain +8dB, No “Tube Warmth”)>
Delta DIO 2496> WaveLab v4.0c> WAV (@24/48)> FLAC (24-bit, v1.1.0)

SHN> FLAC By: Michael Wilker

24bit FLAC > Wavelab 4.01b on REBA > BBE Sonic Maximizer > 192kHz Resampler > L1+ Ultramaximizer > 44.1kHz/16bit wav > t.c. electronic Finalizer 96k > SHNv3 appended

There were some level changes as the board mix was being corrected. I opened the complete wave in a Montage, and created envelope points to adjust the fluctuations in gain during the show.The only other editing was the “enhancement” process to make the recording come to life. Also, not being too familiar with WSP, I tracked the show according to the setlist above. I just used “good judgment” where placing indexes, so if any are incorrect please feel free to re-track as you see fit.

NO tracking/editing/alterations performed before archiving to 24-bit FLAC
(except to trim silence from the ends).

Widespread Panic opened for Phish

Part of the Old School Phish Project – Props to the crew.