New Landing’s River Ampitheatre

All posts tagged New Landing’s River Ampitheatre

Widespread Panic
New Landing’s River Ampitheatre
Peoria, IL

Set 1:
01. Tuning
02. Heroes
03. Airplane >
04. C. Brown
05. Ride Me High
06. Worry
07. B of D >
08. Wondering >
09. Mercy >
10. Radio Child

Set 2:
01. Tuning/Intro
02. Pilgrims
03. One Arm Steve >
04. Rebirtha >
05. Love Tractor >
06. Nobody’s Loss >
07. Tie Your Shoes >
08. Drums >
01. Arleen >
02. Stop-Go

03. Pigeons

Source: AKG 481’s > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 > DA-P1 @ 48k
Transferred By: Ryan Burns
Thanks to Eric Foelske for the dats!