Includes Lyrics

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Widespread Panic
The Backyard
Bee Cave, TX

Set 1

01. Holden Oversoul
02. Fishwater
03. Goodpeople >
04. JoJo Rant – ‘Love Living in the USA’ >
05. Goodpeople
06. Angels on High
07. Time Zones
08. This Part of Town
01. Ain’t No Use
02. Pilgrims
03. Pigeons –


04. Bust It Big
05. Slippin into Darkness
06. Flicker
01. Jam
02. Driving Song >
03. Disco >
04. Jam
05. Driving Song
06. Heaven
07. Ain’t Life Grand –


08. Ribs and Whisky
09. Blackout Blues

Source: Lee Hart

JoJo Song sandwiched in ‘Goodpeople’

To all my friends, slash rednecks,
I dedicate this song to you,
I can’t help but feel,
This time it’s really real,
So I just want you all to know

I still love this country,
God help us all, in the USA
Ya Gotta love this place we call our home
I still love living in the USA

If you still believe your politicians,
I’ve got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn
No money down, and an interest only loan
and if you act right now,
You’ll get a supply of free gasoline for your automobile

Cause I still love this country
God bless us all, in the USA
Ya Gota love this place we call our home,
I still love living in the USA

To all my friends, slash evengelicals,
OK, fine, Christ is real,
And I cant help but feel,
That if Jesus Christ were here,
He’d Say “What the hell, in my name,
Are you doing to my Daddy’s world ??
Well, ya got it all wrong.”

And I still love this country
God help us all in the USA
Ya Gotta love this this place we call our home
I still love living in the USA
I still love living in the USA
I still love living in the USA
I still love living in the USA
Well, I feel so much better,
To utter these letters

Barack Obama please help us now .. In the USA

…. Back into ‘Goodpeople’