Margo Price

Opened for Widespread Panic. Click here for Panic’s set

Photo by Josh Timmermans

Zman’s source

Margo Price
Radian’s Amphitheatre
Memphis Botanical Garden
The Jim Duncan Stage
Memphis, Tennessee


01 PA Music >
02 Been To The Mountain >
03 Weakness >
04 Four Years Of Chances
05 Dream
06 Too Stoned To Cry
07 Change Of Heart >
08 County Road >
09 Tennessee Song
10 Shelter Me
11 Cocaine Cowboys
12 A Little Pain

Source: Schoeps CCM4V’S>Sound Devices Mix-Pre 6 II (48/32)
FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 68′ From Stage, 6′ High
DSP: Sound Devices Mix-Pre 6 II>Sound Forge 10.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
ID3 Tagged In Foobar 2000
Recorded By: Z-Man
Seeded By: Z-Man

Show #178 Of 2024

A Team Dirty South And Home Team Recording